Chapter 9- Jealous?

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"Hey.." She said awkwardly. She looked at me then to Rollins.

"Um. I'm going to go. Thank you Alison for looking at them." He said, taking his things and leaving.

Emily's POV:

That Rollins guy is lucky I didn't already hit him. He was hardcore flirting with Alison and she didn't even notice. And then I saw him talking to her again... But it was alone this time.

"Ali can I talk to you?" I asked.

She looked at the clock and shook her head.

"I can't Em. My class is starting in two minutes. At home though?"

I nodded my head. I can't believe this. I walked out with out kissing her and walked home. I was home for a few hours and looked at the clock. Alison should be home any minute. And just ask I was thinking that she walked in to door.

"I'm home." She yelled.

"In here" I yelled from the living room. She walked in with her heels stomping on the floor.

"You want to tell me what the hell happened at lunch?"

"There nothing to talk about." I said.

"Oh really? You said we will talk at home. Now we're home. Let's talk. Did I do something? You didn't even kiss me when you left." She asked confused.

"I was.. Am.. Kinda pissed off ok?" I snapped.

"Like what? Talk to me." She said. I stood up.

"What's with you and that Rollins guy? Huh? He was flat out flirting with you Alison! And you didn't do anything to stop him." I yelled.

"Wait wait wait. Are you jealous of Rollins?" She asked.

I didn't answer. I didn't know what to say.

"Wow isn't that ironic" she mumbled.

"What that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you think I would cheat when you're the one who already did." She spat at me.

"I never said I though you were cheating. And really? Bring this up NOW?" I yelled.

"You didn't have to Emily! And yes. Yeah I did bring it up." She said.

"Nice one Alison. How long do I have to say I'm sorry. How long until you forgive me??" I screamed.

"I did forgive you!! But that doesn't mean I don't have a constant fear that it will happen all over again!" She said. She was crying now.

It killed me to see her cry. It really did.

"Ali. I don't think you're cheating on me ok? But I do want you to kind of stay away from that Rollins guy. I'm getting a really bad feeling from him."

"He's not going to pull anything." She said.

"How do you know that?"

"Well when I told him you were my girlfriend, he got sort of upset."

"Alison that doesn't help the problem. That means he does have a crush on you.." I told her.

"No. That means now he knows I'm taken. And better the fact that I'm with a girl."

"Ali just please stay away from him."

She rolled her eyes but nodded her head. "What ever. Fine." She said. She started to walk away but I stopped her. "Not even a kiss?" I asked. She stopped and turned to me.

"Sorry I was... Am.. Kinda pissed off ok?" She said giving me a dirty look while mocking my own words. She turned away and walked up stairs, closing her door.

Alison's POV:

It was a totally rude thing to say but I am pissed. I'm not mad that she asked me to stay away from him. I know she's just jealous. I'm just mad that she actually thought I would cheat. But I want to go and hug her and kiss her at the same time. I then hear my door open.

"Ali. Look I'm sorry." She said.

"I know." I said. She came over by me and hugged me tight. I hugged her back. Ugh Emily. Why do you have this effect on me?

Hey y'all. Did you guy like this chapter? Sorry if y'all are mad at me for bringing Rollins in to this. It needed a little twist😒😘😘

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