Chapter 2- The Club

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-Present Day-
Alison's POV:

It's been 5 years. It's now my 24th birthday. This time of the year doesn't even mark my birthday to me. It marks another year where she left me broken.

No one of the girls, including me has talked to Emily since that day. The first year was the worse. I went through so much. I was even put into the hospital because of depression. I tried to kill my self twice, and I did a lot of self harm. I had a eating disorder for the first month with her gone.

Everyday I am reminded of her. Hanna has told me it before, and it's true that it's my fault for not letting her go. I wear that necklace she gave me everyday. I haven't missed a day. The girls has tried to hide it from me before, they tried to break it, but I won't let them. It's the last thing I have of her.

Today is Friday. I have to go to work. Luckily I don't have any meetings today. All the girls are flying in so we can have a birthday. I now teach 12 grade English. It really hurts when there is a girl named Emily in my class, there usually is one. This is my first year and I already have 2 Emilys.

I get up out of bed, doing my makeup, even giving some on my arms. The scars are still there. I curl my hair a little and put it half up half down. I put on a nice floral summer dress even though I know Hanna is going to want me to look like a slut tonight.

I drove to the school. The day went by pretty fast. The only slow part was when I heard someone compliment my necklace. I had to hold back my tears.

When the day was done, I saw the light in my house was on. I don't remember leaving them on... I entered my house with caution. When I walked into my living room I hear people yell surprise. It was the girls. we all screamed and did a big group hug. When we broke apart from the hug, I saw Hanna looking at the necklace.

"You're still wearing that Ali? It's been five years!" Said Hanna.

"I know..." I said looking down.

"Well let's not worry about this now. Let's get some coffee, and go shopping for the club tonight." Spencer said. I smiled as we walked out to go to the brew then to the mall.

Emily's POV:

It's Alison's birthday. It's been five years since I've seen or heard from her or any of the girls.

I'm on my way back to Rosewood because my dad had just gotten back from the army so he wants me to come visit. They were disappointed in me when they found out about Alison and I. I don't blame them. Alison probably won't even be in Rosewood anyways. She always talked about how she wanted to leave.

I decided to go to the brew before I stop home. I walk inside and order a large Caramel Iced coffee and sat down in the corner booth. It was pretty empty. I was sitting for awhile on my phone, when I then heard a group of girls laughing and walking inside. I don't pay much attention to them until i see them coming to sit down. It was the girls. Hanna noticed me first. She nudged Aria and Spencer to look. They all looked at me in shock. I looked down at the table. I see Hanna to tell them to look back over and she looked scared when she looked at the door. My heart dropped. Alison walked in. Hanna gestured Aria and Spencer to take Alison outside so she won't see me. I couldn't tell but.. Was she wearing the necklace I got her? Probably not. Hanna starts walking towards me.

Hanna's POV:

I was kind of upset when I saw Ali still wearing the necklace Emily got her. I shook it off as we want to the brew. Ali had to grab her purse from the car. Spencer, Aria, and I just walked inside about to sit down when I see Emily. What was she doing here. I nudged Aria and Spencer telling them to look. When they did, they were in shock. I then here Ali walk in and I tell the others to go distract her so I can talk to Emily.

I walked over to her but she was looking down.

"What the hell are you doing here. Especially today?" I asked. I'm so pissed.

"Um. My dad called saying he wanted me to visit. I didn't know she would be here..." She said.

"You need to leave now. She doesn't need to relive what she went through when you left. "

"I know I made her upset--"

"Upset? Upset is an understatement." I said. I sat down in front of her.

"What are you talking about?" She said. She look worried.

"Emily. Because of what you did. It caused Alison to go down a dark path."

"What do you mean...?"

"Alison went into serious depression. She had an eating disorder for two months, she would hurt herself. And she tried to kill herself twice. It landed her in the hospital so many times. You broke her Emily. You need to leave."

Tears were forming up in her eyes. She was in shock. She got up quiets and left. I signaled the girls to bring Alison.

"Was everything okay?" Alison asked.

"Y-Yeah. " I said. We sat talking for about an hour then left and went to the mall.

We shopped for about 3 hours. I helped pick Ali out a sort of slutty outfit. I picked her out booty shorts, crop top, with timberlands.

After that we went back to Alison's house to get ready to go to the club.

Alison's POV:

Something weird is going on. But I don't want to worry about it now. I put on the outfit Hanna picked out for me. I curled my hair but out it in a pony tail. I still had my necklace on. I'm going to keep it on. I miss her... All the girls where married. Hanna with Caleb. Aria with Ezra. And Spencer with Toby. The guys are going to meet us there. Hanna wants me to find a guy or girl so I can forget about Emily but it won't happen.

"Ali take that off." Hanna said.


"What ever. " she said rolling her eyes. We then drove to the club. I know I should be excited but I know they are hiding something.

Emily's POV:

I put through all that? I got into my car and let our every tear I could. I was there for a few hours and I got tired of being there. I had to get out. I'm going to go to the club. I haven't had a girl friend in 5years. Paige never loved me like I thought she did. She wanted my money. She was also cheating on me with a guy. A fricken guy. I was broke and what hurt me even more was that I put Alison through that. I put on skinny jeans and a tank top with my leather jacket over it. I put my hair down and fix up my makeup. I need to forget about Alison. But I don't know how I can when it's her birthday and another year reminding me that I don't have her. I got to the club and when I walked in I saw a lot of beautiful girls. But one caught my eye. She was wearing shorts and a crop top with timberlands. It would be something Hanna would pick out. I start to walk over by her when she turns around. I froze. So did she.



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