Chapter 18- Lets go!

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Alison's POV:
Oh my god!! Emily and I are going to Paris today. Holy shit. Holy. Fucking. Shit. I'm so excited!!

Tomorrow is my birthday. I'm going to try my hardest not to think about what happened 5, soon to be 6, years ago on that very day. I am with Emily now and that is all that matters. Everything will be okay. We will be okay.

I turned over to my other side and saw Emily asleep. I woke up kinda early so I'm going to let her sleep for a little longer while I get breakfast. It's 1:30 am we have to be up by two, get to the airport by 4 and it's a 12 hour flight, so I doubt we'll really do anything tonight.

I quietly got out of bed and went down stairs.

I don't even know why I did it quietly Emily is such a heavy sleeper. I went down and made Emily a berry smoothie and I made myself a strawberry banana one. I put them both in the refrigerator and I started to wash the rest of the dishes.

As I was doing so, I felt a pair arms wrap around my waist and I jumped then got really stiff I turned around and saw it was Emily. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Babe it's just me its fine." Emily said hugging me.

I hugged her back.

"I'm sorry I should have known. I just get scared because of everything that has gone on."

She smiled at me. After I found out Cece was -A, and everything that has happened. I still get night mares and flashbacks. Emily was the only thing I had after Cece jumped off the roof of radley.

"Well I'm here. And I love you." She said

She kissed me and went back upstairs. I smiled to my self and finished the dishes.

When I went back upstairs to my room and walked in on Emily in her lingerie. I could not help but stare. She turned around and caught me looking.

"Are you going to go get ready?" She said.

"Maybe in a couple minutes.." I said biting my lip walking towards her.

I reached my hand up to out on her cheek but she put her hands on my waist and gently pushed me back.

"You should get really now. We don't want to miss our flight." She said and started putting on her clothes. 

"Ugh fine. " I said going into the bathroom. I made sure to take off all my clothes besides my bra and underwear and walk out

As soon as I did she looked at me. I smirked at her. "I forgot my clothes." She stared at me up and down.

"Okay maybe we do have some extra time..." She said walking towards me.

"No no. We have to get ready." I said. She went behind me and out her arms around me.

"Just a few minutes. Please baby.." She said as she started to kiss the back of my neck. I couldn't help it. I gave in. I turned around and kissed her hard. I jumped up and she caught me, carrying me to the bed never breaking our kiss.

She put me on the bed with her on top as she felt everywhere on my body. She kissed my neck again, and I'm pretty sure she left marks.

We continued to kiss for a few minutes, then realize we truly have to get ready. I went into the bathroom and saw that Emily did leave marks. I out a little bit of makeup on it to cover it a bit. Then I put makeup on my face and out my hair in a bun.

I then put on high waist black sweat pants, with a white crop top that says "dream" and I put a black scarf on to cover the marks even more.

I put on my black converse and walked out. Emily looks amazing. She was wearing black skinny jeans, a black muscle tank top, whit converse, and her hair was down. She looked amazing as always.

"Are you ready my love?" She asked hold her hand out.

I smiled really wide. "Let's go!!" I squealed. I took her hand and we grabbed our luggage and went in the car.

When we got to the airport, we got there just on time. Our plane was just boarding. We kinda had to run but it's no big deal. We put our stuff on the plane and took our seats.

I snuggled up against Emily as she held me. I can't believe it. Me and my true love are on our way to Paris. I love this. I love her. This is going to be a great birthday.


Heyyy y'all!!! I hope you liked this chapter!!! I have such a good for the new chapters it's gonna be great!!

OHHH AND YALL..... WHAT DID YOU THINK OF THE PREMIERE?!?! THE EMISON SCENE!!!! I shit you guys not and I'm not lying, I was crying. I had actual tears coming down my face. I'm not being dramatic I'm being serious. I was freaking out I was screaming and swearing I was just freaking out I loved it. I can't wait to see how their relation ship develops. Like I hope Ali has the same thing but different flashbacks. And I do NOT want Paige back like hahaha no no bitch. But y'all I'm so excited for emison like hehehehe yassss😍❤️ okay that's it. I love y'all ❤️and thank you for 20k reads!! I will update soon I promise❤️

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