"Hey, what are you doing?", the demon asked. You rolled your eyes.

"Sitting down?". You turned around to face Bill, looking into his one eye.

"Anyway, Cipher, tell me, do I have to take care of you now or are you just gonna vanish tomorrow and leave me alone?", you asked, sounding pretty cold hearted. But that wasn't on purpose.

"What, you already want me to leave? Listen kiddo, first off: We have a deal going on so I stay with you for awhile until I can tell you more about that stuff. Second off: I hate to admit it, but I am pretty damn weak right now and just awoke from a long slumber. You could say that I've been dead for the last couple of years."

"What happened to you anyway? I mean, you can't just turn into stone out of the blue, right?", you asked and watched him closely. He looked a bit nervous all of the sudden. His eye avoiding eye contact.
You thought it must have been something really terrible and he didn't want to talk about it yet.

"Nah, you can tell me another time", you said soon after with a smile on your lips. Bill's eye widdened slightly and he looked at you. It felt like he smiled back at you. At least his eye looked like he would. You than stood up and looked at the time, realizing that you soon had to go to bed.

"Okay, so it's almost time for me to go to bed, I'm quickly gonna change clothes and brush my teeth and than I'll be back. Understood, Bill?", you looked at him again and saw a strange look in his eye. You couldn't even tell what look it was.

"I wanna come with you", he said and carefully walked closer to the edge of the bed, stretching his cute little arms out towards you.

"I mean, you can't just leave me alone here! What if your crazy aunt comes in and sees me? She'll probably freak out and go nuts!". Bill had a point. But on the other hand you couldn't let him watch you while you changed your clothes. That would be way too weird and embarrassing.

"Okay, but you won't watch while I change clothes, understand?", you said with a dead serious look in your eyes. The demon noded his pointy top in response and you embraced his little body again and lifted him of the bed. You held him close to your chest while he locked eyes...eye with you.

You made your way out of the room and headed to the bathroom that was right around the corner, careful that your aunt wouldn't see you with the demon in your arms.
You placed the dream demon on a table that stood next to the bathtub and looked at him.

"Close your eye and do not open it until I say so, got it?", you asked him and he noded again. Than he closed his eye and hummed an "alrighty". You sighed deeply and turned your back to the demon, changing your clothes as fast as you could.


"Woah kid, gotta admit you do know how to change clothes in like ten seconds", the demon chuckled while you two walked back to your room. You placed him on the table while you sighed and rubbed your temples.

"Okay, Bill", you announced and folded your hands, taking a seat in front of the demon who was observing a pencil like he'd never seen one before.

"A lot of stuff happened today and all I wanna do right now is get some rest. But we obviously need some sleeping rules"

"Sleeping rules?", Bill repeated with a hint of annoyence in his tone. He looked at you with an 'are you kidding me' look and sighed slightly as you explained your little statement further.

"Yes. First off we need to get something like a bed for you. So I guess I ju-"

"-how about I just sleep in your bed?", Bill interupted you and looked back at the pencil, playing around with it.

"That's also an option...". You mentally facepalmed yourself for not thinking about that- even if it could be weird to sleep with a triangle. 

"Okay so now on to the rules: You are not allowed to wake me up before the sun sets and you are not allowed to do any weird stuff with my dreams, with or without powers! And when we sleep in the same bed you stay on your side and I stay on my side. That's all". The demon noded after every rule you said. After you finished, you smiled and lifted him up, carrying him over to your bed. You both than sat down and you showed him where his side was and where your side was. After you got that stuff done, you laid down and turned the lights off, whispering a 'good night' to the demon before closing your eyes.

You just laid there in silence and right before you doozed off to sleep, you felt a tap on your shoulder.

"Doll? Doll? ... Are you asleep?"


"No, I know your not"

Than he giggled. Nice one, you were just about to fall asleep but that jerk just had to wake you up again.

"What is it?", you asked in annoyence . Bill chuckled again.

"I'm bored"

"You should sleep!"

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"Kid, I'm a dream demon"

That was when it hit you. Can dream demon's even sleep?

"No they can't", Bill said, answering your question. You sighed.

This was going to be a very long night.

[read description before reading!!] bound to you ; bill cipher x readerWhere stories live. Discover now