Revenge Kills

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Revenge Kills.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.


Blood; it was everywhere. The disgustingly crimson color stained my sight, my body, my heart. The sticky liquid cursed me, it kept me from forgetting, That Man.

But it also brought me to Him, my light at the end of this horridly dank and depressing tunnel, no, actually He probably dragged me further into this hell ridden darkness, I didn’t and still don’t care.

He was my Revenge.


It was farther back in my past, a time when I was still happy, before I was a soulless body with no desires. I was happy once upon this crooked time, but my one and only something, my Everything had been ripped away from me, in a rough merciless manner that completely shattered anything that could have gone right in my life. When the only Something in your life suddenly becomes Nothing, what do you do?

For the longest time I sank into that Nothing. The empty space will suck you in and with no will to stay human you will continue to sink further and further into that deep abyss of Nothing.

My only Something in the whole world was my Father. Back in the times with just the two of us, we lived in a shack, but we were happy. That’s more than what I am now. We were poor, none-the-less still happy, but stuck under that word poverty. Father an unemployed, slightly idiotic man who had taken it upon himself to reveal the corrupt and morally wrong Big-Shots of our city. He was making the city we lived in a better place, and it was quite profitable at times too, though there was a lack of corrupt people around here, but every once in a while things would happen and we would be living good for a month or two, those were the best times.

But though his profession has caused quite a few people to put him on there… how should I put this, kill list, he really didn’t deserve to be there. My Dad was the best, most honorable and loving person that I have ever known. I’m not saying that I have known many people, or the fact that most of the people I have known won’t be making the list of ‘Role Models of America’, but if I had lived a normal life I’m sure Father would still be sitting there, right on top of the list. No one, and mean absolutely no one could ever dream of competing with his kind-hearted nature.

He didn’t have a reason to disappear either, but That Man had just done it. That damn Man was who I hated most, I don’t think I have ever hated anyone like I hated That Man. I can certainly tell you I have never wished for such an utterly gruesomely horrible hell-filled, torturous death to anyone except That Man. I hated him with all my being, he was all I ever thought about once Father slipped through my fingers.

But there was nothing I could do about it, because even the most horrid day of your life starts out just like any other day.

That’s exactly how my life in Hell started.


I woke up to a small breakfast, just as always, I would never expect anything different. I ate my egg, scrambled of course and a few pieces of toast, and that was it, small, yes; nutritious, maybe; filling, no. Not that I minded, it was the best my dad could come by, and I would never complain about it, ever. I looked up to my Father, though right know he was busy rambling on about some new case that he had taken on a couple weeks ago, he looked so excited about it. He talked about how it would make us thousands of dollars, high class gourmet meals immediately flashed through my imagination, I think I might have been drooling. Things were starting to go right with our lives.

As Dad continued to ramble on I picked up little things about the case, things like it being about a rich, big-shot politician who had gotten involved in a ‘dark’ organization. I listened on, still not really impressed, Dad listed his offenses to me; Rape, kidnap, human trafficking, drug-dealing, and murder. Murder, he said the word like it was no big deal, that murder was just another natural occurrence that happened between two humans, though I don’t have room to talk, the word floats over my head like no big deal, I’ve become desensitized to the twisted, greedy mindset of human nature.

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