Nathan and Garrett

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Nathan POV
I hesitate to call Garrett my thumb hanging over the call button.
"Whats wrong Nathan" asks Skyler coming down the stairs with a few empty Coke bottles wearing one of Echo's shirts with jeans.
"I might have met someone and now I don't know if I should call or not call" I say glancing at the call button.
"Oh Nathan won't you ever learn, you make him suffer make him call you play hard to get" she says dropping the coke bottles. She walks over to me and looks at my phone while I just stand wacthing her carefully.
"You see how to make a guy suffer is-"
"How would you know how to make a guy suffer" says Echo from behind us arms crossed and a slight smile on his face.
"Uh - oh sorry I'll explain later gotta run we're playing hide n' seek with Harry" she takes off up the stairs with Echo closely behind.
"Are they gone?" Asks a small voice coming from the cabinet I stare at it confused.
"Harry?" I ask queitly the cabinet swings open revealing a little boy with a big smile.
"Hey uncle Nathan" he says swinging his legs.
"Your good kid how'd you get up there" I ask sitting on the counter in front of him.
"Uncle Danny said to hide here but I think they forgot about me" he says dropping his head.
"Hey whats wrong Harry" I say pulling him into my lap. He crys into my shirt holding me tight he sniffles.
"Mom and Dad fight alot and never let me hug them or kiss them they tell me to go play they don't want my hugs anymore" he says crying more.
"Hey listen your mommy and daddy love your hugs I promise they just sometimes just need adult time alright" he nods holding onto me tightly. Harry falls asleep in my lap shortly after all cuddle up with me on the couch.
"Your good with kids" says a familiar voice.
"I guess" I say turn around looking at Garrett with a small smile.
"You didn't call" he says swinging his keys around.
"I was busy with Harold here" I say sliding Harry off my lap.
"I can tell" he says holding back a laugh I look down and see that Harry had drooled all over my shirt and pants, I roll my eyes chuckling.
"Yeah parents are fighting or something whats up with you." I ask cleaning up the drool off my shirt as best as I can.
"I came to take you out to get food" he says jingling his keys.
There's a loud crash on the stairs, I turn around and see Skyler smiling at me all goofy looking.
"You must be the guy" she says moving towards Harry.
"Oh so you've heard about me " Garrett says smirking at me.
"No no no I'm the one who told Nathan not to call play hard to get the normal way to make someone suffer" she says picking Harry up gently, I chuckle at Garrett's surprised face.
"Little young to be a mom don't ya think I mean seems like you didn't play hard to get" Garrett says crossing his arms smirking. I shake my head he didn't want to do that Skyler's really whats the word aggressive when it comes to Harry.
"Please hold him Nathan" she says putting Harry in my lap.
"Oh no I'm so scared" Garrett says
"I would be" I say looking at Skyler her hairs in a french braid with bits of fuzz in her hair.
I hear loud footsteps coming downstairs Echo appears out of breath with cargo shorts on no shirt on and he's holding a coke bottle.
"Don't do it sky we need him for competition" Echo says trying to calm her. Skyler looks at me giving a small smile.
"I'm about to mess pretty boys face up K?" She lounges at Garrett. Echo catches her by the waist pulling her to him. Skyler thrashing in his arms screaming how Harry sleeps threw this is amazing.
"Nathan go on the date and please hurry" Echo says dragging Skyler away
Garrett looks at me smirking crossing his arms across his chest.
"Your such a Douce so please leave" I say patting Harry's hair back down so his curls aren't going crazy.
"Fine" he says dropping his arms walking out of the building towards the parking lot, All the hot ones are douces.

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