Chapter 12

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Skyler's POV
I climb out of my window around 2 am going to the roof hoping not to wake up anyone. I slowly walk to Echo's window i peek threw and see Echo thrashing in his bed frantically swinging his arms. The soght is truly terrifying i open hus window and move closer to him.
"Echo" i say calmly his body moves faster then all at once stops. "Echo" I say again he turns towards me smiling
"Sorry it was a nightmare why are you up" he says concerned "Are you alright" he jumps up and looks at me deep in my eyes
"No" my voice cracks he wraps me in a tight hug engulfing me in a shell out of the world just me and him his steady heartbeat soothing my every need
"What happened" he asks rocking me a little
"Me" i whisper looking into his eyes he looks hurt
He rubs circles into my back and whispers in my ear calming me. Echo lifts me like i weigh nothing and cuddles me in his bed keeping me close to him i feel his warm body against mine his eyes wacthing me
"Skyler i know this sounds bad but your still not wearing pants" he says jokingly i laugh and smile at him
"Thats your problem i cuddle into his chest he groans a little "Echo contain youself" he laughs and hugs me closer. I slowly drift off to sleep to the sound of the heartbeat of my bestfriend/ wanna be boyfriend.
"Good night beautiful" Echo whispers seductively before i fall asleep.
'Flash back'
"Maybe i don'twant to tell you that 98%! Because your not a good enough friend." I yell at Tonya she had to bring Echo in to this of all people. Tonya's face drops
"Zoey pick me up at 11 ill be at the salon down the street" she says walking out everyone stares at me. I walk out to see a dodge ram bright green. I get a text from Echo a selfie of him smiling in a car.
E: Get in i saw Tonya crying what happened?

S: Where are you?
I look around the parking lot for his beat up car when the trucks window rolls down.
"Sky?" Echo says smirking i roll my eyes
"How'd you buy this" i ask hopping in the passenger seat. He shrugs chuckling as he starts driving.
"Where are we going" i ask
"Wherever you want" he says patting my shoulder sending shivers down my spine.
Echo stops in a parking lot.
"What happened" he asks looking at me i stare back at him "stop trying" he adds on
"Oh fine told Tonya se wasn'ta good enough friend and she stormed off" i say looking in his eyes he shakes his head
"You've know her you whole life and i know more about you than her"
'Flashback over' (more like a dream)
I wake up with an arm draped over my body and me and Echo's legs entangled. I take a deep breath and look at Echo he looks so calm and happy like he had not almost died almost a month ago.
"Like what you see" Echo says smirking at me with his eyes closed.
"Not really its kinda shady" i say he opens his eyes smiling. My phone rings I get out of bed and find it inder the bed i bend down and grab it "SIXTY-FIVE MISSED CALLS!" Echo stares at me in shock i answer the phone
"S-skyler where are you" Tonya says sounding like shes crying
"Ughhh" i groan "In bed" i say lieing hoping she didn't look
"No your not I'm in your room" she says sniffling
"I slept at Echo's" i say looking at him his shirt he was wearing last night was on the floor, meaning he was shirtless my gaze goes to Echo who's standing in front of me smirking, i poke him in the stomach.
"Skyker are you listening" Tonya says
"Nope" I say popping the 'p' she sighs
"HI TONYA" Echo screams in my ear squeezing my hip, she laughs
"Tell him i say hi and i gotta go bye see you guys soon"
"Bye" i hang up the phone throwing it on the bed hugging Echo i reach for his hands and feel his scars on his wrist. He groans queitly
"Does it hurt?" I ask he shakes his head
"Not gonna lie it's kinda a turn on if you know what i mean" he says wiggling his eyebrows
"And now im petrified" i say laughing i hear Echo say something to himself before turning the radio on and we start dancing with each other. But like a bunch of freaks.
Hello world sorry for not posting but its up now and i hope you enjoy sorry if its short and everyone read my new story 'My Bestfriend' thanks everyone and byee

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