Chapter 14

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Skyler's POV
After, me and Echo hung out some more in his room we were rudely inturupted, by Tonya calling again for the one hundredth time.
"Bye Echo" i say climbing out the window
"Your gonna walk over there in no pants" he asks i laugh
"That all you can think about" he smirks
"You really wanna know Sky" i roll my eyes and push him back he comes closer in between my legs.
"Your such a perv you know that right" i say ruffling his hair he leans into my touch.
"Did you shave yesterday your legs i mean" he asks feeling my legs i laugh.
"Yeah i did and that tickles a little bit" i say grabbing his hands he laughs and tickles my sides i fall back trying to escape and slip over the edge a little
"Sky be careful" Echo says grabbing my sides sounding serious about it.
I stare at him in his eyes, his eyes flicker down to my lips and back to my eyes.
"Hey Echo do you have my- oh" says a boy in swim trunks and a coke can in hand he smiles widely and Echo sighs and pulls away.
"Danny what do you want" he says flipping his hair out of his face, danny stares at me intently.
"Is this the famous Skyler Cooper" he asks squinting his eyes.
"I should go see you soon okay" i say trying to hide myself cause you know no pants on here.
"Bye Sky yeah I'll be there" he says smiling an apologetic smile I climb on the roof and head towards my dorm room. I climb threw the window banging my head against it
"Ow really Skyler really" i say to myself rubbing my head, now time for some pants and a different shirt as much as i enjoy Echo's scent its not clean.
Some one knocks at the door quietly i open it to see a sad Micheal coming in my room.
"Explain" i say rubbing his back he sighs
"The party tonight i wanna make my move on Tonya but she kissed me a while ago and said it was a one time thing like whats up with that, Sky i really like her" he says staring at me
"What would you say to her like what you would say before you asked her out" i ask thinks for a mintue
"Hi?" He says questionably scrunching hus eyebrows, I laugh and pat him on the back
"Oh my friend what will we do with you and Tonya". He shakes his head getting up
"I gotta go but thank you for your time" he says bowing i laugh and push him out
"Get out nerd" i say he laughs and closes the door, i lean back on ny bed and close my eyes. Then another knock, what do these people want.
"We're closed" i say hoping whoever it is leaves me alone i keep my eyes shut until someone climbs in my bed. "Get out!" I yell before i look who it is.
"Sky are you okay" Zoey says cocking her head to the side "I saw you leave early this morning to that Echo kids dorm and i dont think you should be friends cause he's depressed and-" shes cut off by Echo walking threw the door backwards carrying a cake we stare at him until he turns and sees us. He's in a red shirt and black cargo shorts, his hair in a spiked up quiff
"I just intruded didn't i?" He asks innocently rubbing his neck, Zoey gives me a look and walks out leaving me and Echo who's confused about what just happened.
"Cake?" I ask looking at the cake he bought he laughs
"For Tonya and her party" he says setting it down "you have on pants" he adds jumping into my bed.
"Echo your done cutting right" i ask tracing the cakes outline with my finger, he doesnt answer so i turn around and find Echo staring off into space
"Y-yeah i guess W-why" he asks looking towards me frowning "D-did Zoey say something" i wacth his physical features change from scared to angry.
"Echo calm down its not like i believe that you cut or are even depressed anymore" j say quickly causing him to soften.
"We should go they have lunch ready thanks though Sky and no i dont cut and I'm improved" he says grabbing my hand, we walk out to the living room hams in hand laughing about this morning, we earn stares from everyone especially Zoey whos glaring at me i smile at her and walk to the kitchen where Chase is grabbing a burger and apple pie.
"Skyler can we talk" Chase says quickly
"Talk" i say firmly making Echo grip my hand tighter.
"Okay i know i said he'd die and all but cut me sone slack you passed out of the roof sonetines and barely slept i dont even know if you ate i thought he'd be the cause of your death Sky he's depressed and dragging you down" he says dragging me from Echo he gives a low growl, gripping my hand harder pulling me back. "Your gonna kill her because your a nobody and your parents hate you and you'll cut and be depressed and end up killing yourself Echo don't bring Skyler into this" i glare at him untill i feel Echo's warmth leave mine.
I shove Chase against the wall
"HE'S NOT DEPRESSED" I scream causing everyone to file into the kitchen. Chase scoffs "Echo" i whisper before running after him the only place i know where he'll be alone.
Echo's POV
I hear Skyler yell at chase i walk against thte crowd of people heading towards Skyler, all i can think is how Chase said dont bring Skyler into this. I walk out to my truck and drive towards the beach stopping only for gas and food. I take a quick peek at my phone while pulled over at a gas station $kymoney: Echo where are you party is in two hours please answer

$kymoney: He doesn'tknow what he's talking about PLEASE answer.

$kymoney: Echo James Thornton you better answer me

Me: hello

I wait for her to answer before i continue driving to the beach the one place i can do everything i love except theres no love of my life the sun to my earth the one who makes me feel the need to say all these cheesey lines
Skyler Cooper my bestfriend the light that keeps me alive, Chase was right I'm going to only hurt her in ways that havent been invented yet, "I love you Skyler"i say pulling into the beach.

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