Chapter 19

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I backed up slowly, before hitting Batman's chest. It couldn't be him. Why was he here. ''No no no. Not now...''I began to mutter loudly. ''No, No, NO! Get AWAY!'' and I kicked Batman in a sensitive area. He doubled over on the ground and hissed in pain. I quickly apologized before I ran into Harvey. I yelled into my headset ''EDDIE. HE'S HERE. DON'T COME''

''Why? Who's there?!''

''Two Face''

He grabbed my wrist before I could run away, and gripped my waist tightly against his with his other hand. He looked at me with eyes full of sorrow. It looked like he's barely slept, due to the bags under his eyes. His hair began to gray at a faster rate. He looked broken.

''Please, hear me out.'' he said in a hoarse voice. His voice sounded lost, like he's been missing a piece of himself for a long time. His eyes began to water and I couldn't resist him any longer. I placed my free hand over my mask and yanked it off, stuffing it in my secret pocket. By now he's released my other hand, so I used both hands to cup his face.

I was extremely close to his face, and I whispered sadly ''Why did you cheat on me. What did I do wrong?'' and I couldn't stop the tears from stinging my eyes. The tears began rolling down my face, and Harvey wiped them away.

He looked me straight in the eyes and said ''I don't remember what I did, but I do remember Poison Ivy coming over to our house while you were out. I tried to kick her out, but she blew something in my face. When I woke up in the morning, I saw no one in the house, but I did see your outfit and note.''

He wrapped both hands around my waist and pulled me closer. ''I've missed you so much. Since the day you've left me I've been miserable. Ask Batman, I haven't done one bad crime.'' and when I looked back, Batman was gone.

''So'' he got on one knee ''will you take me back. I know I don't deserve it, but I want to prove to you that you mean the wor--'' And I kissed him to shut him up. ''I'll take that as a yes?'' I kissed him again and mumbled a yes between our kiss.

He carried me bridal style to a new Mercedes that was half white and half black. We drove hand in hand back to the house, talking the whole way and catching up. He didn't do anything but mope around, while I was outside exploring the world. He seemed interested in my stories, that is until I brought up my short-lived relationship with Deadshot. He kept his cool, but I could tell it was a struggle for him. ''Harvey, don't worry. What he and I was nothing compared to what you and I have.'' I told him. And it was true.

Chance (Two Face/Harvey Dent)Where stories live. Discover now