Chapter 16

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Gray's POV

It's been almost a year since I've set foot in Gotham, and Harvey hasn't left my mind yet. Floyd and I have ventured everywhere together. Paris, Russia, China, Japan, Great Britain, you name it and we've been there to kill somebody. Most of the time we've been apart because we got assigned different targets. But when we were together, I felt sparks fly. But for the past 3 months or so...something was off. We had the month off of duty, and I suggested we go visit Russia since I enjoyed it so much, but Floyd wanted to go to Paris...alone. I was skeptical at first, but I didn't want to seem clingy. So I let him.

Time Skip

It's been almost a full month. No phone calls. No texts. Nothing. I could literally see us falling apart. I was currently staying in the hotel we shared. I decided to stay behind for our break. He came back, looking exhausted. When I asked to talk to him, he refused to and just went to bed. I could hear him moaning in his sleep, saying several girl's names in his sleep. I rolled my eyes, he was obviously fantasizing about other girls while he slept. I decided this time was the last straw. All boys were pigs. I packed all of my stuff and left a note waiting for Deathshot. It said 'I hope your dirty dick falls off from doing all those whores. Bye'

I sat in our private jet, deciding where I should go. I can either go to Florida and live a normal life. OR I could go back to Gotham and raise Hell. I decided to go to Gotham. I would stop at nothing to raise Hell and destruction, even if it meant killing. I've changed this past year. I cared little for human life, and didn't mind shooting someone in the face if it meant reaching my goal.

I thought out my plan and took a very needed nap.

Next stop- Gotham's Destruction

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