Chapter 18

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Gray's POV

I got off the jet, glad to be in Gotham again. I was surprised no one noticed me, but I was glad. My first stop was to go visit Riddler. He would help me track down my targets, plus I missed him like crazy. I haven't seen him in almost 2 years. I've taken on the name Shadow, wearing an outfit similar to Catwoman's, just much less sluttier, and I wear a mask that covers my hair and face completely. In the weapons category, I'm almost identical to Deadshot. I have the eye piece on my right eye to calculate and help me aim with ease. I still always wore my headset and earpiece, but Riddler and I haven't talked much using it. Recently he's been busy plotting, and I've been taking on new assignments that paid nicely.

I convinced Riddler to pick me up and take him to his house to discuss business. He didn't argue and he drove to me and took me to his house. When we entered his home, I saw Query and Echo waiting for him. When they saw me, they glared and walked away. They never did like me, but I didn't care. We took a seat at his table and began discussing my reasoning for coming back to Gotham.

''Look Riddler, I need your help.''

He gave me a strange look. ''Riddler? What happened to my little Angel? What happened to 'OH HIIII EDDIE' '' he said, mimicking my voice.

''She died. I've changed. Look, I need to know where some people are. I've came back to Gotham for a reason.''

''And what reason would that be?''

''I'm taking over. I need to find these five targets and their exactly location, as soon as possible. What would you like in exchange for this information?''

''Look, I don't need anything from you Gr--''

''How about Batman's secret identity. I found it with ease. I can tell you, and allow YOU to take him out.''

''I appreciate the offer, but I want to solve that mystery on my ow--''

''Would $200,000 be enough?''

''I don't need your money!'' he yelled, slamming his hands down on the table. Suddenly my mood changed. Riddler never got mad at me, he might be mad around me, but never at me. He looked at me with concern eyes ''Angela, you've been here for less than half an hour and I can already tell that this new you is something I don't like. What were you doing when you were gone for almost a year?''

''I was a hired assassin. The best in the world, I even bested Deadshot. Unlike him, I've never missed a shot.''

''Snap out of this my Angel, this isn't like you. You were bubbly, alive and happy. You had warm eyes that made the heart of any man melt. Now all I see is a hardened shell of a woman who's killed for a living. Why did you become an assassin?''

''It was the day after Harvey cheated on me. I promised myself I wouldn't become an assassin as long as I had someone in my life. But then he broke my trust, with everyone. An--''

''Even me?'' Eddie asked, with a hurt look.

''Never you Eddie, you mean the world to me. You took me in and befriended me. You're my bestfriend no matter what.'' I touched his hand lightly and gave a small smile.

He frowned. ''You don't need Harvey Angela, being single isn't bad.''

I giggled softly ''Eddie, every woman dreams of meeting the love of their life. I thought Harvey was the one. And I wish we could repair things. I need him.''

''You don't nee--''

''No Eddie. I need him. Can you please look for him? And Poison Ivy while you're at it?''

He dragged me along to his nerd-cave and typed away on his computer. I saw the nerd-cave hasn't changed since I've lived here. Most screens were video surveillance tapes, then I saw him pull up Harvey and Poison Ivy's file. The computer screen started flashing and he began looking for the most recent spot they were spotted at. Harvey was last spotted talking to Batman, and Ivy was in a underground club for criminals. ''Eddie, keep in constant contact with me. My first target is Ivy. I want you to tell me when she leaves the club. I'm going to go find a spot to sniper her from.'' I was about to go, but he grabbed my wrist and told me to wait a moment. I was agitated, but I obeyed. He moved the camera around and pointed to a secret spot almost completely out of the normal camera's route of surveillance. I squealed like a high schooler and hugged him tightly before running out of the house.

I made my way up the building and took out my sniper gun. I laid flat on my stomach and began adjusting the scope so I would get the perfect shot. I clicked on my headset and asked Eddie if she was coming out yet.

''She's making her way towards the door, she's coming out with two guys''

I sneered ''Ha, typical slut. Hey Eddie, keep an eye on the camera outside of the club and remember to record it. I want to remember this moment.''

''Of course darling. Talk to me once you're done.''

''No problem.''

As if one cue, she came out of the door, and it was obvious she was drunk. She was sloppily walked, still slightly to far for me to make my perfect shot from. I felt as if I were being watched, or if someone was behind me. I turned my head to find nothing but darkness. I turned my full attention back to Ivy, who was almost in the perfect position. ''This is for taking the man I love away from me'' I held my breath as she was only a mere centimeters away from being shot. But the moment I took the shot, I was also being tackled. I heard her blood curtailing screams of pain, and I looked up to realize I only shot her in the shoulder. Not only would she feel the pain of a gun wound, but soon she will face her darkest nightmares. As I always do, I coated the bullets with fear toxin.

I cursed under my breath and saw Batman emerge from the shadows with someone else I didn't recognize. My eyes narrowed with pure hatred. I pointed at him ''YOU. YOU made me miss my target! I NEVER miss! How DARE you!'' and I did a back flip off the building, only to grapple myself towards another building. I started to run, hearing two other peoples footsteps were not far behind me. I used my wrist guns to send a shot at a metallic pole and allowed the bullet to bounce off and hit Batman in the chest. I successfully did it, but he was wearing a bullet proof chest. I groaned in frustration, turned around and decided to take it out on him. I could see the guy who was with him in the distance, obviously not capable of keeping up with Batman and myself.

I threw random punches towards his face, he blocked them all before I finally got a shot, knocking him down. He knelt down on the ground and shook his head. I quickly turned on my headset while he was distracted and yelled at Eddie for help.

''What's happening??''

''Batman's here! He prevented me from killing Ivy!''

''I'm on my way. Just distract him.''

Before I could answer, I could feel Batman kick me in the back. I felt on the floor, and pretended to start to cry. I looked over at him, and even though he couldn't see my eyes through my mask, he could hear me 'crying'. He lifted me up and gently said ''I'm sorry Gray, but you were out of control.'' I was about to continue my act before I noticed the guy who was with Batman finally appeared. And I noticed who it was.


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