Chapter 17

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Harvey's POV

It's been almost a year since Gray's death, and I've became a complete mess. I barely leave my house, and almost all of my gang has turned their back on me. Only 3 thugs stuck by me, helping me cope with my loss that still stung. Sirius, Alex and Cain stuck with me. I haven't done anything evil in over 1 year, even Batman was worried about me. He sent a message delivered through Alex telling me to meet him near downtown. I reluctantly got out of bed and made my way to the car. When I did make it to location I was to meet Batman, he looked at me pitifully.

''Harvey, what's happened to you? You look terrible.''

''Why do you care Batman!'' I snapped at him. He just continued to stare and I finally opened up to him, telling him everything.

''Yes yes, well I've decided to help you. You said Gray died, correct?'' I nodded. ''Well I've done some research, and a woman who now goes by the name of Shadow has shown up ever since Gray 'died'. She's an assassin working with Deadshot. I've been tracking her for almost a year, and discovered she is coming here tonight to Gotham. She's planning to 5 specific people before she takes over Gotham.''

''And who might that be?''

''Poison Ivy, Black Mask, Me, Catwoman...and you.'' I was shocked. Those were all the people who Gray hated.

''And what is that suppose to prove?''

''Look if my hunch is correct, and it probably is, Gray faked her death and joined Deathshot. Now she's left him and if coming here to take over Gotham. I'm here to ask you to help me. You're the only person she'll listen to. She loves you Harvey.''

I stood there, shocked by the news. What if this is my beautiful girlfriend...maybe she is alive. All of a sudden my anger got the best of me and Two Face came out. ''How dare you Batman!? Trying to trick me into helping you. She's dead. I know she is.''

''She's alive Harvey, but she's changed. She's hardened. Following her pattern for killing, and how she would kill some of her targets, she has little care for human life. And I have a feeling she might have joined the Suicide Squad. That might just be a rumor, but I think she migh--''

I cut him off. ''Fine Batman. Let's see if the coin says if you're telling the truth.'' I grabbed my coin and tossed it in the air. I grabbed it and placed it on my hand. It turned up good side up. I growled, but followed it's choice. ''It's your lucky day Batsy.'' He smiled, which was rare for him and gave me a paper that explained what I need to do.

I guess I might have a chance to get my girlfriend back.

Chance (Two Face/Harvey Dent)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt