Chapter 11

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Gray's POV

I love winter. It always brought back wonderful memories from my childhood. The only time my family got along with each other was during the winter. We would all gather around the fire, turn off the tv and talk. As I was reminiscing, I heard footsteps behind me, I could count about 4 men. I pretended I didn't notice and slowly reached for my gun, and startled them by turning around quickly and pointing the gun at them. I noticed they had Two Face thug masks on, but regular civilian clothing on.

''What are you doing here?'' I demanded.

''Excuse us Gray Mask, we didn't mean to scare you. We were sent by Two Face to help you out.'' one of the thugs said while taking off his mask. I noticed he was actually quite handsome, and in a way looked like Bruce Wayne, only more rough looking. I can see he had a new cut, that was still bleeding, and a black eye. The rest of the guys took off their masks as well, but they looked like the typical criminal, with broken teeth and scars on their faces.

I walked towards them and introduced myself. The same handsome thug introduced the rest of the group. ''The name's Sirius. This boneheads are Alex, Cain, and Nick. Two Face wanted us to help you carry everything. So, we ain't doin' no stealin' right?''

''No sir. Two Face and I did a job earlier and we have just enough money to buy what we need and some groceries. Since I like you guys, I'll let you pick out any food you want, and don't worry about Two Face. I'll say I bought it for you because you saved my life. Got it?''

''Of course ma'am, thank you very much. Should we get goin'?''

We walked to an electronics store, and I guess having 4 large rough looking men made people scared that I would steal something, but when we grabbed the computers and equipment and payed for it, the cashier calmed down. We left the electronics store to go to the closest grocery store. I let the thugs spread out and grab whatever they wanted, but Sirius stuck with me.

''So, you're Two Face's gal?''

''Sure am, and proud to be it.''

'' How long have you been datin' him?''

''Uhh...just recently.'' I said while grabbing the tomato sauce.

''Oh'' He said as we walked over to get some silverware and plates.

He asked about Arkham and how a girl like me survived, but I just explained that every villain has a soft side for me. We talked while I grabbed a few more ingredients and waited by a checkout for the other thugs. They came back to me with arms full of food. I laughed and paid for everything. The guys were carrying most of the things, since they didn't want me to 'strain myself'. Truthfully, when thugs weren't desperate for sex, they're genuinely sweet people. Some at least.

On our way back a man did try to mug us, but Alex and Cain gently put the groceries on the ground and killed the man. We made it to the house safely, and when I opened the door to allow the thugs to enter, I saw Harvey asleep on the couch. I placed the bags in my hands on the counter of the kitchen and whispered to the thugs ''Guys, go put away everything. And also, who's good with electricity?'' Alex raised his hand, so I said ''Can you try to see if you could get us electricity in the house?''

''I can try boss.''

''Then just place the bags on the counter and go.'' I whispered back. The rest of the thugs went to the kitchen, while I went over to Harvey. I sat beside him and gently shook him away. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. In the middle of a yawn, he said ''Hey Princess, did the guys take care of you?''

''Yes Harvey, they even saved me from a mugger. Thanks'' and with that said, I can see he was proud of his guys. He sat up and hugged me tightly.

''Did you get everything on the list Gray?''

''Sure did. SIRIUS?''

''Yeah boss?''

''Can you please bring me the stuff we got from the electronics store?''

''No problem.''

Sirius came in with three bags full of the equipment Harvey told me to get. I can see Harvey's face light up, and he ordered Sirius to place the stuff into the first office on the second floor. Harvey stood up from besides me and  walk into the kitchen to begin cooking. I closed my eyes and decided to take a quick nap.

Chance (Two Face/Harvey Dent)Where stories live. Discover now