Chapter 1

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Shouting, I could hear it all around me. I walked in handcuffs towards Line A. Looking to my left, I can see over 10 inmates, all on their knees with 2 TYGER guards standing over them with guns. I heard the alarm go off, which stopped me in my tracks. I looked behind me to see Bruce Wayne being thrown on the ground behind me. I shrugged it off and continued walking. I looked to my right to see the one and only Black Mask, fending off TYGER guards with a chair. He looked at me with joy, which let his guard down and one of the guards shocked him. All I could do is look in horror.

Black Mask and I used to date, in fact we were engaged for a few months not to long ago. We recently went our separate ways due to the fact all he could think about was work and didn't acknowledge my existence for our 3 ½ year relationship. I finally grew tired of it and left him. I walked in my normal clothing which was a white button up shirt with black dress pants, black high heels and a gray mask, similar to Black Mask's. And because it was winter, I wore a black fedora, a long black trench coat with white gloves. I continued walking and finally reached Line A, with Bruce Wayne not far behind.

The guard ahead yelled ''You two get out of the way. GRAY. WAYNE. Get your asses up here.'' I walked ahead of Wayne and a different guard shoved me into a strange room with a large door ahead. In the corner of my eye I can see Jack Ryder. The sound of beeping disrupted my thoughts as I looked behind me to see a guard hit Wayne with the butt of his gun. With Wayne on his knees, I can see Professor Strange talking to him. Just then, the same guard who hit him dragged him by the neck and threw him into the same room we were in. The door slammed behind him.

I was going to ask if he was okay, but I decided to stay quiet. I just watched silently as Jack Ryder and Bruce had a conversation, not paying much attention to what was being said. The door suddenly opened to an intense environment. Bruce Wayne was being attack by inmates, and Jack was on the floor crying for Wayne to help him. No inmates went my direction, except one who released me of my cuffs. I walked by Bruce, who has defeated the inmates and was helping Jack off the floor. A different door opened and I saw Penguin with four of his thugs. Wayne, with Jack hanging off his shoulders, was suddenly hit behind the head with a baseball bat. And to make him completely black out, Penguin kicked him in the face.

Penguin walked up to me and kissed my hand. I didn't object, due to the fact that I wanted to stay on his good side.

''Hello Gray Mask. How have you been?''

''Good evening Mr. Cobblepot. I've been doing wonderful, that is, until the police stopped me in the middle of a robbery.'' I replied with a frown.

''Oh dear, I know those pigs are quite annoying. Well would you like to join me in the Iceberg Lounge for a drink? I can give you some clothing warmer than what you currently have on. Or give you some food.''

''Thank you Mr. Cobblepot, but that wont be necessary. I'll join up with someone soon enough and find more thugs. Speaking off, do you know where mine are?''

''Oh Ms. Gray, most died. The ones who aren't have been caught by Two-Face and his thugs. They're still alive, last time I heard, but you better be quick. And remember, you and I are on good terms. I don't want to have to kill you because you challenge me.''

''I wont. Just remember, don't hurt my thugs and I won't hurt yours. I'll visit you once I get my thugs back!''

''Good luck Ms. Gray!''

Chance (Two Face/Harvey Dent)Where stories live. Discover now