Chapter Thirty Five

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"What do you mean they were all out of soy?" Courtney demands, tossing her hand in the air angrily even though this is the second time I've explained it to her, like it's still just as surprising as the first.

    "They said they ran out. I would have gotten you something else but I don't know what else you like." I apologize, trying to keep up with the quickened pace of her irate steps.

    She begins muttering to herself, tugging at one of her little braids with her burgundy painted fingernails.

    "Let me have your water. Now I'm thirsty and disappointed."

    I hand her the bottle of water from the side of my bag, and can't help but laugh as she eyes it skeptically. Of course Courtney would find fault in a bottle of water. She could find fault in just about anything if she tried.

    "Did you already drink out of this?" She tilts the bottle sideways, watching the water pool to one side of the plastic container.

    "Court, its the same one that was on my bed yesterday. I haven't even opened it yet." I defend.

    She twists the cap off without a snap, popping her head up and giving me a wide eyed look.

    "Didn't even open it huh?" She shakes her head at me like she's just caught a toddler in a lie. I laugh.

    "You don't have to drink it-" She places the bottle to her lips and chugs half of it, gasping for breath afterwards.

    We both stop at the place where we part ways, Courtney still breathing heavily from her quick consumption of my water and I dreading the remaining classes for the day. To be honest the first two went fine, I turned in the papers I needed to make up and chatted with my professors on what I needed to do and what I had missed. No one looked at me funny or even acted like they missed my presence this past week, which is both comforting and disheartening in one.

    Courtney seems to sense my thoughts as she pulls me into her side and puts her chin atop my head, requiring her to stand on her tiptoes to achieve it but it's the thought that counts. I smile even though I know she can't see it, and I'm grateful when she gives my body a small squeeze and says a simple, "You'll be fine," To assure me for the rest of the day.

    We part ways after and I head to Mr. Payne's class that goes by with business as usual. Before I know it class is over and I have five pages full of notes for an exam we have coming up. But of course, as I'm heading out the door I get stopped by Mr. Payne, all charisma and class as usual. He tells me we need to chat about my missing work, and waits patiently for everyone to leave the classroom before starting with his questions.

    "So Charlotte," He sighs quietly, but not in a manner that seems to be stressed out, but more as to catch his breath, and places his feet up on his desk. "You were gone for all of last week. Would that have something to do with the incident we had with the box?"

    I take my time to catch my breath too, breathing in deep from my nose and taking in the way Mr. Payne adjusts the fold of his sleeves. His fingers act delicately against the soft blue fabric with his eyes softened in concentration, the smallest of creases forming between his brows.

    "No, that's not it. It was just an off week, but I'm feeling a lot better now." I explain discreetly, moving my gaze to the shine on my black ankle strap flats when Mr. Payne looks up at me with his unmissable regard.

    "Do you think you'll be able to make up the work?" His tone changes to concerned and I watch him slide his hands into his pockets from the corner of my eye.

    "I think so," I look back up to him now, giving him a warm smile meant for reassurance. He returns the gesture, and it looks different than normal on his newly shaven face.

Butterfly Keeper // h.s. auDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora