"Where are they?" I asked my self out loud.

I texted Zach.

Me: Zach! Where are you?

Zach: hanging out.

Me: I know you're with the girls.

Zach: yeah, how'd you know?

Me: Nessa tweeted! Are you with Ronnie?

Zach: oh& yeah, she's here.

Me: is she mad at me or what? Is she okay? How is she?!!?!!

Zach: calm down dude! She's fine her phone is probs off. I'll ask her

Me: ok, tell me.

Zach: she said her phone was slackin so she turned it off, so calm down bro. She'll turn it on for you right now.

Me: thanks man! What are you guys doin anyways?

Zach: Jessa and Kendall wanted to go LA so they asked me if I could be their 'chauffeur'

Me: how come I wasn't invited?

Zach: they said they felt like they were annoying you so they let you take time off.

Me: them, annoying me? I love them!! Not like that but no I'm not annoyed!

Zach: aren't you hangin wit Alex anyway?

Me: he's still on set, he'll be home around 9.

Zach: oh. Well I wish you were here, I'm walking around the mall with them.

Me: sucks man. So did Ronnie turn her phone on yet?

Zach: yeah, it's rebooting and stuff.

We texted until I finally got another text.

Ronnie: hey sorry boo! My phone was acting up so I turned it off. I'm fine, don't worry. Love you Austin (:

Me: zach told me. I love you too!

I'm so happy Ronnie is fine, ok. Well since I guess she gave me a break I'll give her a break.

---------->Ronnie's POV<--------

Austin left me 98 messages & 59 calls. Wow, he does care about me.-- We were shopping and Zach is such a nice guy, to everyone. He was holding our bags, he spoiled Jessa, he got Kendall and Vanessa Ice cream. But since he was being nice Jessa retuned his favor with some surprise supras! Do you know how much they cost!!! He also got me Starbucks. Zach is so nice, we could be like BestFriends! Haha. I call everyone my Bestfriend.

"Thanks Zach!" We all said in that one voice, when we jumped in Kendall's BMW.

"This was all your Christmas presents!" Zach smiled while he backed out the parking lot.

Speaking of Christmas, it was in two weeks it was December 8 today. Also in a few days was Vanessa's 15th birthday!!

My parents always throw a huge party for everyone's 15th birthday and 18th birthday.

Kians birthdays was at Disneyland with the family because he didn't like huge parties.

Taylor's 15th was a smaller version of his 18th. His 18th was a huge party at a hall, his friends &our family came to it. He had catered food, a Dance floor, a arcade that was connected to the place, and his friends were a lot of people. Taylor was a football player, wrestler, and idk what else he did but he had lots of friends and it was a blast. I remember when I was fourteen that was where I met half of all my friends.

My 15th birthday was actually pretty sick too. It was at my house and I invited friends, we partied until like midnight. The windows were dimmed in the daylight then at night was blasted music and it was one of the best birthdays I've ever had. There was something that happened that night that I will never forget..... STORYTIME: On my 15th birthday, it was about 11:27 and the party was still going on but people were starting to leave. We were dancing in the garage and it was full so I took my crush somewhere. I am known to always make the first move if I want it go my way... So anyway I took my crush to a secret place, I got the ladder and we went to the roof. We laid their for a second to look at the sky, then he kissed me. That was my first ever kiss, With Derrick Hernandez. He was my first real boyfriend, but it didn't last because he had to move to San Francisco at the end of the year.-- well, now I'm excited for my cotillion/debut. My parents are planning it.

But since its another lucky 15, this time Vanessa's 15th. I know exactly what my parents are doing. They've rejected all Nessa's party suggestions so that it could be a big surprise party. It's been in planning for a long time so I hope none of her friends ruin it!-------


Guess who's the new POV!! Stay tuned until I release the next chapter! Which will probably be in a while! I can't wait for you guys to read the next chapter, I literally cried while typing it because I wish it really happened but never in a million years would it ever! Any who, do you mahomies love Zach? He so AksbakejsjnPERF!!








Thanks for reading ILY


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