[Luhan] Jelly and Peanut Butter

Start from the beginning

Sehun laughed. "Yes, silly. Do you want to go with me?" He asked again, smiling.

I was searching my mind for an answer when suddenly; I was jerked out of my seat. It was Luhan.

He turned to Sehun. "She'll have to get back to you, buddy." His voice was colder than ice. Before I could protest, he took my arm and dragged me out of the classroom.

I couldn't believe what was happening until we got to our usual hangout, which was on a quiet beach near our houses. I shook him off. "What's wrong with you? Can't you tell I was talking to someone?” I asked him angrily. I felt bad for Sehun- he looked as dumbfounded as I felt when we were leaving.

"Don't tell me you don't know what's wrong!" He told me, staring out into the waters.

"What's wrong? The only thing that’s wrong are your manners!" I retorted. This was the first argument we had ever had, and it was irking me how it was over something I knew nothing of. "Why don't you tell me what's wrong?"

"What's wrong is you talking to Sehun. I don't like it, so stop," he said simply.

Who was he to tell me who and who not to talk to? Damn, I realized belatedly. He probably ruined the one chance I had of getting a prom date. And all of a sudden, I felt an anger bubbling inside.

"What are you talking about? You can't tell me who I can and can't talk to! Why am I supposed to care who you like talking to me? You don't own me; we barely talk anymore. It's like I don't even know you anymore. And now you're telling me who I can talk to?"

He was silent. "Screw this, I'm leaving. I'm done with you. I don't tell you who you should talk to when you're surrounded by girls. Do you even know how much that annoys me? I think I liked you better when you were unattractive and a loser. Stupid." I muttered under my breath as I started up the beach.

In the middle of my little rant, I felt a gentle tug on my wrists. It was Luhan.

"What now?" I asked, exasperated. If he wasn't going to tell me anything, why does he want me to stay?

The corner of his mouth twitched. "It annoys you that I talk to girls?" he asked, smirking.

"What are you smirking at? I can't help it that it annoys me, okay? It's not like I want to like you!"

Aw, shit.

I covered my mouth with both hands as I realized what I had just said. I looked up at Luhan's wide eyes and turned to flee.

"Wait."  Luhan stopped me with a back hug, his warm arms encircling my waist. I froze. "What did you just say?" He asked.

"N-nothing..." I stammered, blushing all the way up to my hair. Damn, this is awkward...

He laughed. "It doesn't matter what you said. I heard it the first time. I just wanted to ask again and make sure I heard correctly that you felt the same way about me."

Wait... what? I turned slowly. Felt the same way..? My heart started to hammer in my chest... No. Freaking. Way.

Before I could say anything else, he continued. "I've felt the same way since I was that dorky little boy with the super-high pants. I've felt the same way since the first day we became friends. In my heart, you were always the most beautiful girl in the entire world. When we got into high school, I wanted to change and make you proud of me; to make you see me as something other than a nerd and your best friend. So, I changed my appearance and became this," he gestured down at himself.

"But before I knew it, we were both busy with both of our lives, and I started to realize how hard it was to hide my feelings for you. When we talked, I didn't know what to say. My heart felt like it was stuck in my throat every time I opened my mouth. Right now, my heart is beating harder than it does when I run laps around the field for soccer practice. Do you feel it?" He asked, holding my hands to his chest. Sure enough, his heart was hammering out a beat just as fast as mine.

"But when I saw Sehun ask you out to prom, I knew I had to say something. I couldn't just let you go with him." He smiled.

Confused, I asked "why not? It's not like we're going as a couple-" You were interrupted by Luhan's lips on mine.

Shocked, I froze and stared at him. 

He smiled and pecked my lips one more time before whispering in my ear. “Because you're going with no one else but me."

He smiled at me, and ducked his head so that his mouth was next to my ears. “You’re the jelly to my peanut butter, remember?”

I stared back at him, eyes wide. He still remembers that?

Luhan looked down at my face, and laughed. “I love you,” he confessed as he held my face tenderly between his hands. “Always have, and I always will.”

At this, I finally broke out of my trance and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, before planting a kiss on his lips. “Took you long enough- the jelly was getting kind of moldy.” I whispered against his lips, and he chuckled, wrapping his arms tighter around my waist. “I love you, too. After all, what’s jelly without peanut butter?”

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