chapter 25

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"5 more minutes" he groaned.

"Oh I forgot you won't be the one who has to sit through hair and makeup for 3 hours!" I said frustrated "damn I wish I was a boy sometimes"

Suddenly my phone rang.
"Hyunjae-yah where are you? I'm at the salon waiting for you"
my mom said through the phone

"Taehyung's mother is here too"
"Oh I'm on my way mom, just 5 more minutes" I said than hung up.

"Come on Taehyung wake up I need someone to drop me off" I shake him more.

"Ugh fine" he said in his deep morning voice getting up and stretching.

"Thank you!" I quickly ran off to my room to get changed.After about 10 minutes me and Taehyung got into his car and drove off.

"So..." Taehyung started "are you nervous?"

"For what?"

"For the wedding"

"Oh yeah...I guess I kinda am" I replied my hands getting sweaty "what about you?"

"Surprisingly I'm more nervous for the wedding then when I am on stage" he chuckled.

Finally we reached the salon.

"I'll see you later then?" He said.
"Yeah see you later" I smiled getting off the car.

"Wait!" He got off the car and walked over to me. Before I knew it he pulled me into a warm hug.

"What was that for?" I chuckled after he let go.

"I just felt like it" he smirked "now go on, you don't want my mom and your mom to throw a fit"

I watched his car drive off before entering the salon.

"Where have you been?!" My mom questioned walking over to me and pulling me by my arm and into the salon chair "okay so first is hair"

The hair stylist put my hair in a beautiful bridal up do and after she was done the makeup artist started doing my makeup.

It was a natural bridal makeup. And then I was finally done with hair and makeup!

"Come on we have to go to the wedding venue now" Taehyung's
mom said ..

"we already dropped off your dress there and you can change in one of the rooms"

We got into the car and drove off to the venue.

"Let's go, we are going to be late" my mom said dragging me to the room to change.

"Geez mom relax you're acting as if this is your wedding" I chuckled.

When I entered the room there were three ladies standing whom I guess are here to help me get ready.
"Come on honey get out of your clothes" mom ordered.

So I got out of my clothes and into the dress with the help of the ladies. After they zipped up the dress they put the veil on my head.

"Look at my beautiful daughter" my mom smiled adjusting the veil "I think I'm gonna cry"

"Mom save the tears for later" I laughed.

"It's alright to be nervous honey" she rubbed my back.

"Don't worry mom I'll be alright" I assured her.

The door opened and my dad walked in "oh my, look at how much my daughter has grown"

"Hey dad" I smiled.

"My dear you have grown into such a beautiful young lady"

"Come on dear let's go the wedding is about to start"

"Ready?" My dad asked extending his arm.

"Ready...." I sighed locking arms with him.

The doors opened and in front of us was the wedding venue.We started walking slowly while the people stood up and the music started playing.

Taehyung was standing In front smiling. He was wearing a black tuxedo and looked absolutely handsome.

Thankfully only friends and family could enter the wedding so there weren't any fangirl or anything.

When we reached to the front my dad handed me over to Taehyung.

Taehyung noticed that I was tensing up from nervousness so he squeezed my hand in reassurance.

We said our vows and everything and I was just feeling excited and nervous at the same time. To be married at this young age was kinda scary but I'm happy that I can share this moment with the man I love.

im now not Choi Hyunjae anymore because my surname changes to Kim..Kim Hyunjae..

"You may now kiss the bride"

Taehyung pulled me closer to him and we locked lips in a gentle kiss.

The ceremony ended with cheering and a lot of crying, mostly from the BTS members.

After we spent time with all the people there and practically everyone congratulating us we decided to head back to the hotel since it's closer to the venue than the house.

"Dang these heels hurt" I said stumbling into the room when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it" taehyung went over and opened it.

"Hey kids, we just wanted to check on you" Taehyung's mother smiled "so when is your flight tomorrow Hyunjae?"

From the corner of my eye I saw Taehyung's expression change.

" flight is at 10 AM so I have to be at the airport at 8:30" I lied. My flight was at 9 so I had to leave at 7:30 but I didn't want to tell Taehyung that because I didn't want him to come with me to the airport. I knew that if he stood with me at the airport I won't let him go.

"Okay then have some rest" she said before leaving.

There was an awkward silence between me and Taehyung.

"I-I'll just go change" I hurried to the bathroom to get out of the dress.

I took a shower and got into my pajamas and everything and when I came out Taehyung was already sleeping on the bed.

"...I forgot that we'll be sharing the bed" I said to myself "oh well we're married now aren't we?"

I crawled into bed with him and put my arm around his waist with my head buried in his chest.
im never feel this peace before?


Next morning I woke up at about 6 AM to get ready to leave. I got ready quietly as to not wake Taehyung up.

Thank god they decided to bring my suitcase here so I could leave quickly.
After I got everything done I stood by the corner of the bed.

"Goodbye....I love you" I whispered as I pecked his cheek before leaving the room.
Hey guys!! ^~^ hope you liked this chapter! I just wanted to say that this fanfic will be ending soon maybe after like 5 chapters..

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