chapter 29

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I got up from bed and stretched my arms before noticing that Taehyung wasn't in bed anymore.

I put on my slippers and walked
into the living room running my hand through my hair. He was sitting on the couch watching tv while eating cereal.

"Morning" I said to him. He didn't respond and continued eating.

"Fine be like that" I mumbled and walked into the kitchen to make me breakfast.

After about an hour of doing nothing I saw Taehyung walking out of the bedroom all dressed up.

"Get dressed. We're going out"
He said.

I nodded and got up before going into the bedroom. I wore my simple pink dress with some sandals and grabbed my glasses.

When I was done we exited the house.
We walked beside each other in silence. The breeze brushing past our hair. It was getting awkward so I decided to start up a conversation.

"So....What did you do when I was gone?"

He ignored me and continued walking. I stopped walking and
so did he.

"You know you don't have to ignore me" I was fed up with him treating me this way.

He looked at me with a poker face still not saying anything.

"Stop ignoring me!" I shouted.
"You wanna know what I have been doing when you were gone?" He asked taking a deep breath.

I stayed silent waiting for him to talk.

"I couldn't sleep properly, I couldn't eat properly, and I even mess up during practice because I was always thinking about you!" He yelled "I think about you every day, every hour, every minute! And it looks like you were doing just fine without me
since you didn't even call or text me''

"I'm sorry! I was busy with studies and I just didn't have time to call or text you but that doesn't mean you weren't on my mind. You weren't the only one who had sleepless nights"

Thankfully there were no people around hearing us argue.

He sighed "You shouldn't have come back"

"Wow...." Well that was a stab to the heart "Well I'm sorry you think that way''

I turned around and walked to who knows where while tears rolled down my cheek.



I was walking for I don't know how many hours and saw the sun was already going down. To my right I saw that there was a convenience store so I went in.

I grabbed a bottle of soju and took it to the register to pay for it. I then sat on one of the tables outside of the store and poured some soju into a plastic cup before gulping it down.

The liquid burned my throat but I felt a little at ease. I drank and drank. I wasn't that drunk because I could still
stand up straight and could process what was going on but still I was somehow drunk.

"Oh my god, isn't that Choi Hyunjae?!" I heard a girl say to her friend "you know, Taehyung's fiancee!"

"Didn't she disappear like 3 years ago?"

"She looks different"

I tuned around and saw a crowd of people surrounding me. I got up and was blinded with the camera flashes and couldn't see where I was going.

"Please stop taking pictures!" I pleaded.

Suddenly I felt a something cover my face and before I knew it I was carried bridal style.

"You're safe with me" A familiar voice whispered in my ear.i looked upward and i saw it was taehyung..i cant help myself but to hug him tighter..

After a while I finally reached the house. He put me down and I took off the jacket he put on my head to cover

"Thanks" I mumbled.

"I can't believe you got so carelessly drunk" he ran a hand through his hair.

"Well someone had to tell me that it would have been better if I didn't come back" a single tear ran down my cheek.

He hesitated for a moment before pushing me up against the wall with one hand on my waist and the other on the wall.

I looked up at him surprised.

"You don't know how long I waited to do this" he said before crashing his lips onto mine.

Damn how much I missed kissing him.

My TERRIBLE Husband {COMPLETED}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora