T W E N T Y - E I G H T

Start from the beginning

"I saw you. I saw you and the princess's retainer," Analia dared to speak.

Analia saw as Ake turned his head in their direction. His red hair was sprawled along his back causing the creme of his robe to highlight his already apparent features. Truly, he was a gorgeous man, a pretty dragon. There was no wonder why Karos had become so enraptured with him, Analia thought. 

There were bandages wrapped around his sword arm, but other than that, she could see no other injuries. This time, Fariel had not been lying. He was very much well.

"You saw nothing."

Her eyes fixated back on to Ake as she saw his hand press against Karos' face. They were speaking, but they were too far away for her to hear. Still, by the look in Karos' eyes and the way his hand pressed against his, she knew them for sweet words. She realized then, just how much in love they were with one another. 

 "However, I know why you had done what you did. Still, I do not agree with it. You tearing them apart like this, ripping them into pieces."

"It was the only way. There is such a thing as good lies, Analia, my sweet. Do not act as if you are a stranger to it." 

Soon, she felt an arm wrap around her and the touch of his lips upon the nape of her neck. His touch was hot, searing when it had not been once before. 

"He could have died," Analia hissed.

"I knew you would follow him."

"And Ake?"

"Ake...I did not count on being there. However, they are tethered to one another. If he dies, so does he."

Analia's eyes widened as she turned around to face Fariel. 

"It was not only for Karos was it? The princes...you also wanted to be rid of them." 

"Do not paint me as a scheming villain, Analia. None of them had perished, just greatly injured." 

She turned herself back around and pressed her cheek against the doorway. In an instance, Analia saw Ake press his lips onto Karos' causing her eyes to widen. Her cheeks became flushed and the entirety of her body felt hot. Soon, her eyes began to fall and she was quick to leave out the room along with Fariel. 

"I will give them this one, last night. I am not so cruel of a person to deny them that."


"If they found the love they had been searching for within each other, then so be it. However, they will love from afar. Maybe then, they can rediscover some new love elsewhere."

"You are cruel," Analia murmured. 

"You are a woman. I do not take any offense to your words filled with feeling." 

Analia pursed her lips and glared into his eyes. 

"Karos is a dear friend of ours. Being with Ake will make him bring the dragons into a war not meant for them. Ake's little actions will cause every dragon to fall out of Mercy's grace. Do you not realize this?" He stepped closer to her causing her to take a couple steps back.

"Griffins and phoenixes will be what the dragons will have to face. You will know no war like no other if this comes to pass." 

Analia felt his hand on her arm tightening with each passing second. 

"It will be a slaughter. You saw what one or two griffins could easily do to a dragon," Fariel hissed. "A great dragon such as Ake. Tell me, what do you think will become of the others?" 

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