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Ariana's pov

setting the plates down on the dining table i watch as my mom shows something to Kendall. she let me invite her so it wouldn't be awkward plus Justin and Kendall sorta know each other.

hearing a knock on the door i rush to open it. smiling i see Justin so i give him a tight hug but quickly let go so it wouldn't be awkward.

everyone was now seated at the table just awkwardly sitting there.

"so are we gonna eat or are we just gonna stare at each other the whole time ?" my mom eyes me as i sigh after my sentence.

"Ariana, do you not know your manners ?"

"i just wanted food."

after everyone finished eating we all just had small talk. Kendall hadn't talked the whole time which made me feel bad in a way.

" so ken what's going on in your life ?" leaning my arms on the dining table i rest my chin in the palm of my hands.

" umm it's great, i'm good." she looked out of it, like she was holding something in that she wanted to say but just didn't know how. nodding i grab a breadstick from the center of the table and begin to eat it as my mom continued to ask Justin about life in Canada.

"i can't take it anymore i'm sorry Ariana."Kendall blurts out, tears escaping her eyes. looking at her confused, my mom also stops talking to Justin and faces Kendall.

"what do you mean ?" raising my left eyebrow i sit there still confused.

" i did it, i almost messed whatever you and Justin were and you guys were supposed to be over with. but somehow you guys are still the same i just want my best friend to actually pay attention to me and not always on her phone talking to some stranger who accidentally texted her. i miss my best friend."

"damn" was all i could manage to think. it's like all the words i knew suddenly disappeared from my mind.

" i'm sorry Ari." its like that was all people knew how to say to me in situations like this.


the end

bitch you thought HAHHQHHAHA

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