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[Justin - 2:28 pm] sorry i was barely replying yesterday a friend was over

[Justin - 2:30 pm] btw when are you coming to Canada ?

[Ariana - 3:14 pm] Kendall said that our flight leaves at 8 on Friday night and then we leave two weeks after that :)

[Justin - 3:15 pm] that's enough time to bother you where are you guys gonna stay ?

[Justin - 3:15 pm] wait this Friday ?

[Ariana - 3:17 pm] i don't know yet maybe a hotel and yeah this Friday why ?

[Justin - 3:20 pm] my mom would probably let you both stay i don't think she would care

[Ariana - 3:21 pm] omg if she says yes

[Justin - 3:27 pm] she said she doesn't mind and that you both can stay as long as you want


I have to print something for a project and the ink on my printer isn't working help

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