Chapter 12

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[A/N]:  HELLO ONCE AGAIN AUDIENCE. We're in a dorm room! Yaaaaaaay! Hopefully we can update more frequently now that we're in the same room. Also, this chapter is dedicated to lilasmysteries! She drew that fantastic picture over in the multimedia, it's one of Louis' guards!

Harry and Louis' lips slowly pulled apart, still breathing bewildered puffs of air against each other’s mouths. Harry's hand slowly raised to brush over his own lips, breathing out, "Oh..."

"Yeah," Louis agreed softly as the waves suddenly stilled around them.

To their right, Harry noticed a flash of color, and his head turned in confusion to find a rainbow forming before his very eyes, "Louis, what-"

"I don't know," Louis admitted slowly, still clinging onto the younger boy as Harry reached out to swipe at the colorful appearance before them. "Usually only my dad can do stuff like that..."

"But this is like..." Harry shook his head. "It didn't even rain!"

"So it happened because I kissed you, I guess?" Louis pursed his lips, examining the rainbow beside the two. "Hopefully no one of my kind see's that... they might figure something is up. If it's not raining and there's a rainbow, it's usually because the king has good news to share."

Harry blushed slightly, "So why did you create a rainbow?"

Louis grinned at that, reaching to brush a few rogue curls from Harry's forehead, "Well I didn't know I could actually, this rainbow was an accident. But I'm pretty damn happy... something tells me that that's a factor."

"And hey!" Harry gasped, pulling back slightly to look around. "Where are the waves?"

"That's probably my fault, too," Louis paled. "Maybe we should get out of the water before I draw attention to us."

"Wait," Harry frowned, using the grip he still had on Louis to pull himself closer again. The boy's eyes fluttered closed, and he leaned forward to breathe a puff of air against Louis' lips, almost as if he were asking for permission.

Louis wholeheartedly accepted the request, gently brushing their lips together in the slightest touch. The rainbow next to them flashed into a more vibrant color, and Harry laughed against the merprince's mouth as he clung to him and moved to put his head on the older boy's shoulder. Louis was slightly surprised, but remembered Zayn explaining about how cuddly Harry could get. He happily hugged Harry back, pressing his nose into Harry's damp curls, "I really like that. You kiss far better than a dolphin... and Neptune, definitely better than a sword fish. Talk about a painful experience."

Harry pulled back, arching an eyebrow, "You've kissed a swordfish?"

"I've nearly lost my nose to a swordfish," Louis corrected.

"Wait!" the human boy gasped. "Am I slowly going to turn into a merman now? Do I have a tail?"

"Something tells me you watch too many of those film things," Louis giggled before Harry's legs kicked out, and he accidentally kicked Louis' tail. Louis grunted in surprise. "Those are definitely legs."

"Sorry," Harry winced, stroking Louis' stubbly cheek before he carefully wrapped his legs around the boy's waist. "How's this? Now I can't kick you!"

"Little higher," Louis murmured, and Harry realized that Louis' tail was attempting to move but couldn't with Harry's legs where they were, and the two were starting to sink. "I don't want to drown you. Need I remind you that you can't breathe underwater?"

Harry squirmed higher, grinning at Louis, "So, Prince..."

Louis smiled back, "Hmm?"

"Do I have a boyfriend?" he asked shyly.

Merman In The Water - Larry Stylinson AU Merman!LouisWhere stories live. Discover now