Chapter 3

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[A/N]: Hey guys! We're super tired. Elsie even more than Sophie. But we're gonna type you guys a chapter because well it's just what we do. We write stuff. We enjoy your guys' comments. They make us giggle. So keep doing it! Here we go!

Harry woke to the sound of the seagulls outside his window and blinked rapidly as sunlight streamed in. He was still a bit tired, as he'd been the last to fall asleep because his mind had been filled with thoughts of Louis. Louis. The boy with the blue tail. A smile grew on his face as he remembered that he would be seeing him again today. He looked over to his friends to find them cuddled together on one of the beds, leaving the other completely abandoned. Harry quietly got up and dressed himself before slipping out of the room and heading to the kitchen. He grabbed a bagel and popped it in the toaster as he grabbed himself some juice.

On the table there sat a note left from Paul, Morning, my boys... or afternoon, depending how lazy you are. I told you this yesterday, but who knows how much of what I say actually gets listened to. I'll be back around noon, until then you're free to do whatever. The keys to the golf cart are on a hook by the fridge, there's lots of food in the cupboards, and the beach is always nice to visit. I won't even make you wear sunscreen. - Uncle Paul xx

Harry chuckled, grabbing a plate and retrieving his bagel as it popped up out of the toaster. In the fridge he found some cream cheese, which he happily used as his bagel spread. He carried his plate out onto the back porch and into the humid air, grinning as he smelled the salty breeze. Harry plopped himself into one of the deck chairs, absentmindedly munching on his bagel as he daydreamed.

So Louis was a merman. A merman prince to be exact. He vaguely wondered what Louis' hair would look like dry. Or what Louis would look like if he was a person. As Harry thought about it, he realised that Louis' upper torso seemed quite fit, and it had to be so judging by how fast the boy could pull himself out of the water without using his legs... or tail, in the prince's case.

Harry examined the hand holding his bagel, noticing on his palm that the cut from the night before was now a faint pink line. He grinned, realising that Louis had been right about the saltwater healing his cut faster. The curly haired lad wondered what other interesting things Louis knew about the ocean.

Liam came outside eventually, snapping Harry out of his thoughts, "Oh, there you are. Good to see you haven't gone missing again."

"Just sitting on the porch," Harry beamed up at his friend as Zayn slipped out behind Liam.

"I think... I want to go for a walk on the beach," the raven-haired lad announced.

"Aren't you hungry?" Liam asked him, turning to give him a peck on the lips.

"Maybe we can make bagels to go?" Zayn suggested.

"Sure," Liam chuckled.

Harry stood and stretched, following the other two lads inside so he could wash his plate. Zayn nudged Harry lightly, "Tonight, for real this time, do you want to make a small little driftwood fire on the beach?"

"Um," Harry pursed his lips, wondering when they planned on starting the fire. If he was meeting Louis at sunset, then he wouldn't be available to find driftwood for the fire before night fell. "We could, yes... but I was kind of planning on doing something this evening. I'll be back after dark though. Not sure when, but I'll be back."

Liam narrowed his eyes at Harry, "And are you going to answer your phone this time? So that we don't have to get worried and come looking for you?"

"It'll be off of silent," Harry held up his hand in a promise. "Swear."

"Alright, you can just join in on our driftwood fire," Zayn patted Harry on the shoulder. "You do what your curly boy heart desires. But for now, let's go to the beach."

Merman In The Water - Larry Stylinson AU Merman!LouisWhere stories live. Discover now