I rest my hands on his chest for a moment before I let them descend down a bit, until they reach the zipper of Niall's jeans. I unzip them and then start fumbling with the belt of them, without pulling away from the kiss. As I'm trying to undo them, the sound of someone clearing their throat loudly sounds from the doorway, and we immediately pull away in surprise, my eyes widening.

I'm taken by complete surprise when I see Harry standing in the doorway looked extremely awkward and disturbed. Niall stands there and stares at him blankly, his breathing heavy from kissing - my own breathing the same - while Harry stares right back at him. Just then, Niall's pants fall down to his ankles and his eyes widen, as do mine.

Harry looks down at Niall's trousers with a straight face before looking back up to Niall's face and suddenly bursting out laughing. I look at Harry confusedly for a moment, still having barely moved from my spot in shock. As he continues to laugh, I bite my lip and can't help but let out a small giggle. Harry's eyes meet mine as I do so, which causes us to both laugh more.

"In the kitchen?" Harry asks as he laughs, looking at me, seeing as Niall didn't seem to find it very funny, "Not very classy." I laugh harder when he says that, covering my mouth with a hand.

Niall lets out an awkward laugh and pulls his trousers back up as Harry and I's laughter dies down, before he turns to Harry and says hesitantly, "The hell're ya doin' in my house anyway?"

"Oh." Harry says with a nod, and I notice his gaze on me for a second before he turns back to Niall, the smallest of a smirk on his face. "Erm, well, Megan and I were talking and she said I could see her. And well, I thought you'd be here. So I came."

"Without saying anything?" Niall asks, annoyance obvious in his words, "You just decided to walk into my home without saying anything."

"Well, yeah." Harry shrugs, as I quickly go over and pick my shirt off the ground and fix it so I can pull it back over my head.

"Megan, it's alright," Harry stops me with a smirk on his face, "I've seen you like this before, babe. No need to be embarrassed."

My jaw drops slightly after he says that. What the hell was he doing? He wasn't flirting, was he?

"Um," I mumble, feeling my cheeks heat up, completely unsure of what to do as I stand there with my shirt in hand. I pull it over my head quickly and let out an awkward laugh as I look back and forth between Niall and Harry, seeing Niall looking dumbfounded as he stares at the ground, as if trying to figure out what Harry meant in saying that. He looks up at Harry and glares at him, while Harry's gaze flickers away from Niall, giving off the impression he is nervous.

"What..." Niall says quietly before he pauses, silence ensuing for a moment before he continues and glares at Harry, "What did you just do? Did you just flirt with my girlfriend?" He asks, his tone the smallest bit threatening.

"Niall," I say quietly in a way to tell him to stop, that it was nothing. But I wasn't very sure what exactly it was.

"Who gave you the right -" Niall asks, anger obvious in his tone, and his fists clench, but I cut him off.

"Niall," I repeat firmly, in a warning tone. "Stop." My eyes flicker over to Harry's to see him already looking at me, his expression unreadable. "He was just joking. Don't worry about it," I say to him, although my eyes stay trained on Harry while his stay on me, until the end of my sentence, where I look back to Niall.

He stares at me for a while, his eyebrows furrowed a bit and his expression serious as he seems to search my facial expressions for something. After a few moments, he lets out a deep sigh and relaxes himself, his fists unclenching while his expression goes back to normal. "Alright," he says quietly, "I was being stupid and just, overprotective. Sorry." He shakes his head and doesn't even look at Harry, who just stands there looking lost.

The Lucky Pick  // One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now