Chapter 24

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Niall Horan's POV

This isn't fair.

What is so bad about me? I don't get it.

Sure, I have my flaws, but am I that bad?

If it weren't for me, Harry wouldn't even -

"Uh, Niall, you okay? Niall? Earth calling Niall," Zayn waves his hand in front of my face.

"Oh, hi, erm, yeah. Sorry," I shake my head and focus on everybody around me.

"We were just saying that we're hungry," Liam explains, "So, how about we get something to eat?"

"I'm not hungry," I mutter.

"Your kidding me," Zayn says, "We're starving and you're not hungry?"

"Yeah, I'm just not hungry, s'all," I shrug with my eyebrows furrowed together.

"Are you feeling alright? You don't seem yourself lately," Harry comments, from his place beside Megan.

"I'm fine," I mutter through gritted teeth. I've had to put up with them being all lovey-dovey for two days now. How am I going to last all this time?

"Erm, okay. Are you staying here then?" He asks.

"Yeah.. I'll stay here," I agree.

"I'm staying here too," Louis says quickly. Harry raises an eyebrow. Louis has been feeling sorry for me lately and it is sorta annoying, to be honest. I mean, sometimes I just want to be alone.

"No, you're not, Louis," I look at him firmly, "As you all said, you're hungry, so just go. I'll see you later."

"... Okay," Louis gives me a sort of sympathetic look and they start to walk towards the door.

"See you later," They say as I look down at the ground. I look up briefly to see Megan give me a small wave. I smile lightly and softly wave back before they leave the house.

I sigh and flick through some TV channels, trying to get my mind off Harry and Megan. I mean, Harry doesn't like her as much as I do! He can't. Can he?

"Harold?" A female voice says and I look around, "Harry, I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Oh. It's the TV. Of course it is. How dumb can you get?

"Sorry, Hermione, I -" I change the channel and throw the remote onto the couch beside me when I can't find anything decent on.

I rest my head in my hands and sigh. I'm just being stupid. Selfish. And there's nothing I can do to be with Megan, so why am I moping about it? My phone buzzes and I look at it with a frown.

From: Megan :)

Hiiii niall. It's megan! :) we hope your feeling okay, we miss you.

She misses me? Huh. Isn't she busy with Harry? Louis probably took her phone and sent me that to make me feel better or whatever. I type a reply.

Sent to: Megan :)

Oh hi megan . im fine! thanks, hah?x

About five minutes later I get a reply.

From: Megan :)

your welcome haha! we bought you food even if you aren't hungry! we won't be long :) see ya soon. 

Megan Watson's POV

"Who you texting?" Harry asks from his place beside me, smiling.

"Niall," I look up at him and smile back.

"Oh," he nods, "He doing okay?"

"Yep, seems like it," I reply.

"Can I have a kiss?" He pouts.

"No," I laugh lightly.

"Why?" He frowns.

"Because we're in McDonalds and we're supposed to be just friends," I remind him.

"Aw yeah," he says, "I forgot."

"Tomorrow's the interview, right?" I ask him, putting my phone away.

"Mm," he nods, biting his lip.

"You two are so annoying," Zayn comments from across from us, looking up from his phone. I forgot he was there.

"No we're not," Harry retorts.

"Are so," Zayn continues, "You act so stupid. Like in some soppy romance. Like twilight."

"No we don't," Harry argues.

"Sure," Zayn says disbelievingly, before looking to his right, "Here comes Liam and Louis with the food."

We look to where Zayn is looking to see Louis and Liam just coming to the table. Louis comes to Harry and I's side of the table and says, "Scoot."

We scoot to the side, letting Louis sit down beside me. We work out what food is who's and start to eat. It strikes me that it's different without Niall here...


"We're hooooooome!" Louis runs into the living room when we reach the house.

"Aw, look at little Niall," I hear Louis coo, "Fast asleep."

I walk into the living room and chuckle.

"He looks so cute when he - NIALL! WAKE UP! WAKE UP YOU LAZY BOY! WAKE - UP!" Louis shouts, starting to hit Niall with a pillow.

"Louis!" I laugh.

"Huh, mhat mhe heck-" Niall mumbles as he jumps up, Louis still hitting him with the pillow.

"I'm awake! Lou, I'm awake!" Niall insists. Louis lowers the pillow and throws it at Niall's head before sitting down on a separate couch.

"Jesus," Niall mumbles and I laugh. Harry walks in and hands him some food.

"Oh, thanks,"bNiall thanks Harry and slowly starts to eat the food.

"What time is it?" I ask Harry.

"Erm, five minutes to five," Harry replies.

"Harry! I have to go! It's my Mums' birthday today and I want to have a sort of surprise party for her. She gets back at half five," I say.

"We'll help you set it up," He offers.

"Thanks, but it's okay. I just want a small thing. Like, with no guests. Just her, Delilah and I," I explain.

"I understand," he nods, "I'll at least drop you back."

"Thanks," I give him a bear hug and then add, "But, Delilah's at her friends house, so you'd have to drive me there too...."

"I don't mind," He smiles.

"Aw, thank you." I smile back at him and then see Niall staring at us with a frown. His eyes widen when he sees me looking at him and he hurriedly starts to eat his food again.



A/N: Y'ellooooo :) so, Niall's heart broken, D: and Megarry is happyyyy. But megan still cares about Niall c:

Thanks for reading, please comment, vote,

Lisa :)

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