Chapter 41

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Megan Watson's POV

I wait nervously in the airport, looking out for Harry in the crowd of people that just got off of his plane, struggling to find him.

But then, I find him, and he seems to see me too, because he smiles and walks my way, immediately hugging me when he reaches me.

"Oh my God, Harry, I missed you so much," I say during the hug, my voice slightly muffled.

"I missed you so much, too," he chuckles lightly, pulling away from the hug but keeping his arms around my waist, his eyes locked on my stomach, "You're skinnier."

"No, I'm not," I disagree, startled at his comment.

"Trust me, you are," he says, before starting to lift my shirt up slightly, but I smack him away, him saying, "You're too skinny, Megan."

"Harry, please, you've been gone for months and you come back and remark about my weight," I say.

"Sorry, sorry," he chuckles lightly, "Let's try that again. Megan! It's been so long. Erm, hi. Let's kiss, maybe."

I laugh lightly and before I can reply he quickly presses his lips to mine. I get lost in the kiss, having really missed how his lips felt on mine. He continues to kiss me for a while, before I pull away, saying, "Well, then, let's go."

"Sure." Harry nods. "I just... Wait. Where's - oh, never mind. Be right back."

I chuckle, "alright."

Harry sends me a small smile as he walks away, and I stand by myself, feeling content that he is finally back, and will be for several months.

Deep into my own thoughts, I jump a little when a voice sounds from beside me.

"Hi, you're Megan Watson, right?" I look to my right to see a teenage girl standing there.

"Hello. Yup, I'm Megan." I smile at her. Honestly, it was really weird to think that people actually knew my name and who I was without ever talking to me, just because Harry and I were going out.

"Could I ask you something?" She asks quietly.

"Um... Sure."

"You know how just there Harry was looking at your stomach?" She asks, and I tilt my head slightly in confusion at why she would mention that, "Are you... um... are you pregnant or something?"

I choke on my own spit, "No! Oh my God, no! No, no! No way! I am not pregnant! I'm only eighteen!"

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend you, or anything. It just looked like it. I shouldn't have asked such a stupid question. Sorry," she mumbles quickly.

"It's fine," I assure her, still a little shocked at what she said, "Really. It probably did look like that, and I'm not offended. Alright?"

"Well, I'm still sorry. It's, uh, nice to meet you." She says before scurrying off, her face red with embarrassment.

"Why is she sorry?" A deep voice that I immediately recognise to be Harry'a says from behind me, and I jump, screeching quietly in fright, and spinning around to face him, to see him holding a suitcase.

"Oh my God, Harry. You scared me!" I say, out of breath.

He chuckles, "Why was that girl sorry?"

"She thought I was pregnant. Because you were looking at my tummy," I explain, crossing my arms.

"Seriously?" He lets out a small laugh.

"Mhm." I hum.

"It's an idea, though." He smirks, before I smack him on the arm.

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