Chapter 25

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Megan Watson's POV

"Um, it's.... here! Stop here!" I say, Harry pulling the car to a stop outside Delilah's friend Jade's house.

"Okay, I'll be back in a second." I tell Harry, unbelting my seat belt and opening the door.

"I wanna come too." Harry mumbles.

I stop and raise an eyebrow, "Harry. These are nine year old girls we're talking about. They'll start freaking out that you're here."

"And? They'll be able to tell their friends." He points out.

"It's your choice." I give in and he grins, both of us walking over to the front door.

I knock on it two times and not long after Jade's mum answers the door.

"Hi, Mrs. Sweeney," I smile at her while she looks shocked, looking at Harry, "Is Delilah here?"

"Uh, yes, she - she is, yeah," she mumbles, "This may sound weird but, are you Harry Styles?"

Harry smiles, "Yeah, I am."

"Delilah was serious? I thought it was just her imagination! She's been telling me all day about being friends with One Direction," Mrs. Sweeney with wide eyes. "Do you think you could possibly say hello to Jade? She loves One Direction."

"Of course." Harry nods.

"Thank you so much, I'll get her and Delilah." She says before walking away from the door.

I look at Harry to see him grinning and roll my eyes at him playfully. Within half a minute Jade walks up to the door with Delilah close behind her.

"Look! I told you! See!" Delilah says to Jade enthusiastically.

Jade just stares at Harry with wide eyes.

"Hello," Harry says to her cheerfully, "Your name's Jade, right?"

Jade nods slowly before saying, "Y-yeah."

"Did you two have a nice day?" He asks.

"Mmhm." She mumbles, looking like she's about to pass out.

Harry chuckles, "Okay, I think Delilah and Megan have to go but it's been nice talking to you."

Mrs. Sweeney smiles at me as I say, "Thanks for having Delilah over."

"Anytime." She assures me kindly.

"Bye." We say to her and Jade before walking to the car again.

I help Delilah into the back and sit in the front passenger seat while Harry starts the engine. As the car starts to drive I see Delilah smirk at us in the rear-view mirror.

"You two are going out, aren't you?" She raises an eyebrow, the smirk still on her face.

"How do you know that?" I ask her, smiling slightly.

"Mum told me."

"Oh, right." I mumble, making a mental note to bring this up to my Mum later.

"You know, it's Liam's birthday in a few days." Harry brings up, after several moments of silence.

"Yeah? What date?" I question him as he turns a corner.

"AUGUST 29TH!" Delilah shouts out before giggling and saying, "Sorry."

"One Direction's biggest stalker here in the back." I joke, laughing.

"Yeah, it's the 29th." Harry smiles with his eyes still focused on road. Not long after he's pulled up outside our house. We all get out and Delilah runs up to hug Harry.

"If you're anything like the TV says you are then don't be like that to my sister." Delilah says firmly to Harry and he laughs before saying, "Nah, wouldn't dream of it."

Delilah smiles, "Good." She gives him another hug and runs up to the front door, standing there and waiting for me to open it.

"Thanks for dropping us home." I thank him, reaching up to give him a hug.

"No problem." He says before pulling away from the hug and quickly pecking me on the lips. Even the tiniest peck gives me butterflies.

"See you at the interview." He smiles and I frown at the thought. Being on TV for thousands of people to see... Yikes.

"See you." I wave him goodbye before tracing Delilah's footsteps to the front door.

"Did you just kiss him?" Delilah asks, her nose scrunching up in disgust.

"Yeah?" I reply as I twist my key in the key-hole.

"In front of me?" She asks as the door opens and we walk inside, closing it behind us.

"Yep. Are you jealous?" I tease her.

"Yes." She replies and I laugh, walking into the kitchen. I open a few drawers and take out the few stuff I had got for the mini-party for my Mum. If you could even call it that.

I lay the items down on the kitchen counter. A small cake that I had got specially made for her by a woman at the local bakery. It has white icing on it and had the words 'Happy Birthday Mum!' on it. There is a few bags of crisps and two two-litre bottles of fizzy drinks.

I also have a small wrapped present for her, from both Delilah and I. It is an expensive enough perfume she had gotten as a present from Dad last Christmas and since then it has become her favourite perfume, but she recently ran out of it. She insists that she doesn't want me spending money on her but everyone says that, and she deserves something nice for all she's done for us.

I get a few bowls and place some of the crisps inside them, before putting the bowls down on a table, along with the fizzy drinks and three glasses. I take the cake out of the box it is in and look at the clock to see it is already twenty past five. I help Delilah blow up a few balloons and then hurriedly light the candles on the cake when I hear a key turn in the front door. Delilah turns the lights out when she hears the keys turn in the door and then Mum walks in with a startled look on her face.

"Happy birthday to you," we start to sing to her and she puts a hand to her mouth, smiling.

After we finish singing we chant for her to blow out the candles and she does.

"Thank you so much! You didn't have to do this," Mum admires the things laid out on the table, "Thank you."

"Wait, you have to open the present we got you." Delilah says to her, as I pick up the wrapped present.

"Present? No, you didn't have to get me a present..." Her voice trails off and I give the present to Delilah, she previously asked that she could give it to Mum. Delilah hands Mum the present proudly.

"Happy birthday!"


A/N: Hey :) chapter 25, wooaaah. half way to 50 !

So the interview is soooon, uh-ohh.

Sorry this is a filler...

Who do you guys ship? Don't be shy! Comment! It could possibly change the ending of the story if enough of you ship whoever you ship haha :)

And I wonder who this Jade is hmmm ... @xxJadiePiexx what do you think?

Thanks so much for reading,

Lisa :)

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