Chapter 26

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Megan Watson's POV

I sigh as a girl does my makeup.

"Don't worry about the interview, love," she says kindly to me as she reaches for some blusher, "You'll do fine. The boys will all be there."

"Thanks." I say quietly, my voice cracking. To say I'm nervous would be the understatement of the year.

"Megan?" I hear Harry's voice say from behind me. I turn around to see him standing at the door.


"You okay?"


He gives me a small smile before someone shouts, "Harry!"

"Yeah?" He calls back before disappearing from his place at the doorway.

The girl finishes my makeup and before I know it a voice calls, "On air in two minutes!"

I sigh and shake my hands in nervousness, walking out into the hallway. I spot Harry talking to a stylist and walk over to him.

"Megan," he smiles when he sees me, "Your... Megan, your face is really pale looking. Are you okay?"

"Mm. Just nervous. I'm not used to being on TV." I mumble, feeling my heart beat get even faster when the same voice as only seconds ago calls, "On air in 60 seconds!"

"You'll be fine. All you have to do is be yourself, Megan." He looks me right in the eye before pecking me softly.

"Uh, we have to get into our places." Niall walks up to us and tells us.

"Okay." Harry nods and the three of us walk to where we are supposed to stand backstage.

I hear voices from the stage, they must have already started... Oh god. I can't do this.

"Okay, when she calls you, walk through here," a man tells us in a hushed voice, pointing to an entrance to the stage, "One at a time. Harry and Megan last. Okay?"

A round of "okay"'s are spoken in small voices. The man gives us a thumbs up and I notice how clammy my hands are. In what seems like no time I hear a voice call, "It's One Direction and their friend Megan everybody!"

The boys start walking through the entrance and I take a deep breath before stepping out after them, looking at the cameras set everywhere on the set.

"Hello! It's nice to see you all." The woman says as we sit down. She is wearing a plain blue dress and has short blonde hair.

An amount of different things are said back to her.

"So, this interview is a bit different from your normal ones, isn't that right?" The interviewer begins

"Mm." A few of the boys say. I sit there awkwardly feeling like I really don't belong here. Why did they want me on this again?

"Because today we have your friend Megan Watson," she looks at me and Harry does too from his place beside me with a sort of smirk.

"Megan, how are you feeling?" She asks me in a kind voice.

"Um... good." I let out a small, nervous, laugh.

"That's good," she smiles, before talking to us all in general, "Now, I think the public are - well, I think we're all a bit confused at the moment, mm? Because first, Megan and Harry were supposedly a couple, and then, Harry, in another interview you said she was just a fan, and then, recently in a twitcam, Niall, didn't you say Megan was your friend?"

"Uh.." Niall seems to be uncomfortable, maybe he's nervous too, "yeah."

"So were you saying Megan was just your friend or all of you guy's friend?" The interviewer asked before I switched my gaze back to Niall to see his answer.

"I said she was our friend," he mumbles, "All of us are friends with her."

"Okay... so Harry, she's your friend, yeah? Not 'just a fan'?" She asks, looking at Harry. I get even more nervous, knowing what he's about to say.

After this, the public will know.

They'll probably all hate me.

"Well, actually..." Harry trails off, looking me in the eye as he says, "Megan's my girlfriend."

"Oh..?" the woman says, obviously not expecting this, "So, the whole time, you two were dating..?"

"No," Harry shakes his head, "Just recently."

"Okay.. I'm still confused," she raises an eyebrow, "So, when you said she was just a fan..?"

"I lied." He sighs.

"Okay. So, everything's cleared, Megan and Harry are together." She announces in a louder voice, looking into a camera.

I sigh in relief as she talks to the other boys.

I feel a soft poke in my arm and look to the left to see Louis give me a small thumbs up, making me smile.

The interview continues on with not much more said to me, and soon the interviewer is bidding us goodbye.

"That's the end of our interview. Thanks for coming boys, and Megan! Don't go anywhere, after the break we have some shocking news about pop-sensation Taylor Swift!" She exclaims before a small 'ding!' echoes and the 'on air' sign loses it's light.

"What about Taylor Swift?" Harry asks her with furrowed eyebrows.

The interviewer laughs and says, "Thank you all for coming." She looks at Harry and I with a smile as she adds nicely, "And I hope you two have a long, happy relationship."

"Thanks," Harry nods at her with a smile before looking at me, "I think we will."


A/N: awwww harryy :3

do you think they will? hmm.

the world now knows of megarry, what's gonna happen? what'll the fans think? o.o

who do you ship? commenttt.

*slow motion hair flip* at LASSSST.

please vote and comment, ily thanks for reading,

Lisa :)

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