Chapter 15

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Megan Watson's POV


The man I haven't seen in a year is standing in front of me.

"Hi, Megan." He smiles at me.

"Dad!" I run over and give him a hug. "I missed you so much."

"I know, Megan. I missed you too." He says, pulling away.

"Delilah!" He grins, as Delilah runs over and gives him a hug.

They talk for a bit and I turn to face my mum.

"He's back? I didn't realise it's already been a year..." I mumbled.

"I know." She smiles at him. "We wanted to do something nice today. All for of us. After all, your father will be leaving again soon..."

"What?" I asked, turning to my Dad again. "Your leaving again?"

"Unfortunately, yes. I'm leaving in little over a week. This time, it won't be as long, though. This is just a short business trip, for a month or so." He informs me.

"But... You..... You just got here." I murmur sadly. "You can't leave again."

"I have to, Meg." He sighs, looking at me with sympathetic eyes. "But listen, when I come back, I'll be here for a while. About a month, I'd say. And I think it would be nice to go on a family holiday, don't you?"

"Another holiday?" Squeals Delilah. "Yes, yes, yes!"

"That sounds nice." I smile sheepishly. It had been over four years since we went on a family holiday. Last time, we had went to Spain. We had a great time. We stayed there for a week, in a really nice hotel, with a big pool. It was in Salou. We had went to the beach one day, I remember, and Delilah and I had a water fight, but I got in trouble because Delilah started to cry when she got water in her eye. She was really small then, only five or so.

"So, we'll discuss that today, yeah? And we can go somewhere nice together. Any suggestions?" He asks.

"Um..... The water park? There's a new one! Sarah went to it and she said it was really good!" Delilah suggests.

"Yeah? Where is it?" Dad asks.

"Eh... Just ten minutes away. I don't know where exactly, but it's called 'Wonderfun's Waterpark', you could look it up in Google Maps." Delilah says.

"Alright." Dad chuckles, taking out his phone.



Delilah slides down a huge water slide, screaming happily on her way down. She reaches the end and I give her a high-five.

"That was so fun! Wanna go on it with me?" Delilah asks with a huge grin on her face, pushing some of her wet brown hair out of her eyes.

"Sure." I smile at her and walk over to my Dad and Mum.

"Me and Delilah are gonna go on some slides." I tell them, holding onto Delilah's hand.

"Okay, we'll be in the jacuzzi." Mum nods.

"See you." I wave and Delilah leads me excitedly up the steps to the slide.

There is a few people in line, so we get in line behind them.

"This is so much fun! After, we can go on the orange slide, that's even bigger! And it's swirly! And fast! And -" I laugh, cutting Delilah off.

"Alright, alright. We'll go on that next." I laugh and a woman wearing a red t-shirt that reads 'Wonderfun's Waterpark', black shorts and sandals informs us that it's our turn to get on. Delilah goes on the slide to the left and I go on the one to the right. She grins before saying, "Three.... Two.... One!"

We both push ourselves forward and begin to slide down the slide, Delilah slightly ahead.

"Ha-ha, I'm winning!" She calls, sticking her tongue out. Some water falls on my head because of a sprinkler placed above the slide, and I close my eyes and wipe my face with my wet hands, even though it doesn't really help.

Before I know it, I'm at the bottom of the slide, with Delilah doing a victory dance.

"I won, I won! Oh yeah!" She sings, still doing her dance.

"Bown down to your queen!" She says, sticking her lips out and pointing at me, gesturing for me to bow. I laugh.


"Yeah, I'll go to bed soon." I promise my Mum.

"Okay, goodnight." She yawns, heading up the stairs.

I stretch and walk into the living room, plopping down on the couch wearing track suit bottoms and a white t-shirt - which I like to call PJs.

I flick through channels and stop on some soap opera, trying to figure out what's going on. I run a hand through my hair without thinking, it just came naturally to me. After several minutes, I could hear my mum snoring upstairs.

Dad was already gone. He came... and almost straight away left, just a week later... But he would be here again soon.

I raise an eyebrow when I hear a knock at the door. I look at the clock; nearly 11pm. Who would be here at this time? I was probably just imagining it....

Apparently not. There is another knock at the door. I get up slowly and walk over to the door, opening it slightly.

I open it to see a man in a navy overall, with a name tag that reads 'Bob'. He has shaggy black hair and a black beard, wearing an also navy cap.

"H-hi...?" I mumble, looking at the man strangely.

"I'm here to see Miss Megan Watson, please." He requests.

"That's me..." I tell him.

"Ah, yes. I'd like to have a sleepover." He nods, acting casual.

What the hell? "I'm sorry, do I know you?" I ask uncertainly, feeling a strong urge to close and lock the door.

"Yes. As I was saying, I'd like to have a sleepover here, with my four friends." He says.

".... What? I'm really sorry, I don't know you..." I mumble, pretty sure this guy is a loony.

"Oh, Megan. It's me!" The man says, pulling off his hair, or wig, along with his face, which I guess was a mask, to reveal....




A/N: Hello! Another cliffhanger :)

Who do you ship?

TEASER: Megan is gunna kiss someone in the next chapter :D

Bet you want to know who, huh? x)

Oh well, you'll just have to wait and see!

Thanks for reading, please vote and comment ! xo

Lisa :)

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