Chapter 8

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Megan Watson's POV

"I dare you to kiss Megan."

My eyes widen as Harry and I slowly look at each other.

"You could always chicken out, Haz." Louis teases.

"You don't mind, do you?" Harry murmurs quietly to me as he bites his lower lip. I shake my head slightly.

"We don't have all day," Louis sighs as he looks at his imaginary watch, tapping it.

Harry quickly gives me a peck on the lips before looking at the boys and putting his hands up in triumph. I hide my face with my hair, embarrassed.

"Yeah, yeah. You're not the only one that did a dare," Louis says.

"My turn," Harry declares, "Niall. Truth or dare?"


"Would you rather see me die or live without Nando's for the rest of your life?" Harry questions.

"Hmmm...." Niall ponders.

"Niall! You seriously have to think about that?!" Harry exclaims.

Niall chuckles, "Fine, I'd rather live without Nando's."

Harry looks at him suspiciously, and we continue the game for a while. After about fifteen minutes, Liam turns on a movie and I cuddle up on the couch, trying to get comfy. Everyone settles down and soon I find my eyes become droopy and before I know it I've laid my head on something warm to the right of me.


My eyes open and I take in my surroundings. Harry is asleep on the floor in the same clothes he was wearing yesterday, Louis is snoring loudly, clutching a pillow as he sleeps on a chair, Zayn is lying on the floor with a grey t-shirt and trousers on, and Liam is sleeping on the couch that I am on. I notice my head is laid on something warm and jump when my 'pillow' speaks.

"Good mornin," the Irish voice says, chuckling at my reaction.

I jump onto the couch beside me, and off of Niall, looking at him and furrowing my eyebrows together, "I thought you were a pillow."

He laughs, "That's nice. Happy to know that I can be mistaken as a pillow."

I roll my eyes playfully, "Sorry I fell asleep on you."

"It's grand! Your comfy, anyways," he says as I laugh.

"Thanks? I guess. What's for breakfast?" I stand up and stretch, Niall doing the same.

"Erm, I'll have a look," he murmurs, walking into the kitchen, as I follow close behind. He opens a press and roots through it.

"There's no breakfast here," he informs me, as he leans against a table in the kitchen.


"Wanna go buy some?" He asks.

"Yeah, okay. I'll go get dressed," I agree with a small smile, which he returns. I walk out of the room and into the sitting room, taking the bag I brought with me upstairs and into the bathroom.

I slip on my clothes - plain skinny jeans, white flats, a white t-shirt and a greyish sweater and spray deodorant. I brush my hair and apply lipgloss and concealer before stepping out of the bathroom and walking down the stairs.

I see Niall has changed into a plain white t-shirt, a red hoodie and navy jeans.

"What time is it?" Niall asks me as we step out of the house. I slip my iPhone out of my pocket, "Half ten. Why?"

"Do you think we could go to Nando's?" He asks.

"Seriously, Niall? I dunno, you're the popstar," I chuckle.

"Is that a yes?"

"It's a maybe."

He grins as we step into his red, spanking new Ford car. He revs up the engine and we talk during the five minute drive there before he parks the car outside a supermarket.

"It's too hot here," I groan, the hot New York sun bounding down on me as we walk towards the entrance. We get inside and I am greeted by air-conditioning.

"What will we buy?" asks Niall as we walk through the shop.

"You pick! I'm only going to be eating it today, if even that," I say, "I'm going to go look at some stuff, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," he agrees as I begin to walk away with a wave.

I look at the signs above me and walk over to where the clothes are supposed to be. I smile when I see a really nice red dress.

"Excuse me?" murmurs an american voice. I spin around to be greeted by a pretty blonde who looks to be about my age.

"Yeah?" I say with a polite smile.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" She asks, "You look really familiar."

"Um, not that I know of. What's your name?" I ask her, trying to see if I knew her face from anywhere, but nothing rang a bell.

"My names Erica," she smiles, holding out a hand for me to shake, which I do, "What's yours?"

"Megan," I say.

She looks at me closely, "You know, you really do look fa-" she suddenly stops and her eyes light up in realisation. She takes the magazine that was tucked in between her arm and her eyes widen when she looks at the cover. She turns it to face me.

The headline reads:

Harry's new girl..?

I look at the picture beside it of Harry and a girl.



I seriously need to stop it with all these cliffhangers x)

What did you think? Harreh kissed her :O hehehe

Once again, who do you ship?

Megarry ;)

Ligan ;D [lee - gen]

Or maybe Nigan?!?! :D [nigh - gen]

Thanks for reading,

meltedpopsicle :)

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