Chapter 23

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Louis Tomlinson's POV

I walk into the living room with an expressionless face.

I hear Niall's laugh as I walk inside and he says, "Hey, Louis! We - what's wrong?"

I shake my head and sit down on the couch.

"Louis," Zayn sighs, "Just tell us."

"Harry and Megan were in the kitchen," I simply say.

Liam and Zayn's face show confused expressions while Niall's widen.

"What do you mean by that? I don't get it," Liam mumbles.

"He means," Niall starts with his eyebrows furrowed together, looking upset? Down? Frustrated? I'm not really sure, "That they were kissing."

"They were kissing? So, they're like, going out?" Zayn asks.

"How would I know? If they're not, they will be. Obviously." I nod.

"Ha-ha!" Zayn grins at Liam, "Told you so."

"Huh? What am I missing out on?" I question, raising an eyebrow. Niall doesn't seem to know either.

"Well, it was sorta obvious that Niall - sorry Niall, but it was - and Harry liked Megan, so we made bets with each other who we thought she'd end up with. Like, we didn't bet any money, we just sorta bet." Liam explains, and I notice Niall's cheeks grow darker in colour.

"So, who bet who?" I ask.

"Zayn bet that she would end up with Harry, and I bet she'd end up with Niall." Liam explains.

"I'm right here you know," Niall mumbles quietly, "And maybe she won't end up with Harry.."

Before I can reply, footsteps come from the door and we all turn to see Harry and Megan standing there.

"Erm, hi, guys," Harry smiles lightly, "Megan and I are, well - Megan's my girlfriend."

"Oh.. Congratulations?" I murmur and I see a sort of change in Niall's eyes. They look hopeless, I guess. He must really like her.

I raise an eyebrow when he stands up and walks over to where Megan and Harry are standing at the door. What the heck is he doing?

"Uh, Niall, what are you doing?" I question as he brushes past Harry. He turns around slightly and replies, "I, uh, I need to use the bathroom."

He walks out of the room. How stupid does he think I am? I stand up and take after him. Poor guy.

I run up the stairs and look around when I hear something from his room. I knock on the door lightly then let myself in. Niall is seated on his made bed with his head rested in his hands. He turns away and I hear a sort of sniffling noise.

"Niall, are you crying?" I ask, walking over to him.

"No," he sniffles, "I have a cold."

"Yeah, sure you do," I nod disbelievingly, sitting down beside him, "Dude, tell me what's up."

He looks at me and I notice his eyes are slightly red, "I don't know why I'm crying. God, I seem so selfish. I should be happy for them."

"You don't seem selfish," I assure him, "Just tell me what's wrong."

"I think you know what's wrong," he mumbles, his voice quiet and frail, "Now Megan and Harry are together. Do you know how much that hurts me? I've never liked a girl this much. Harry always, and I mean always, gets the girls. What's wrong with me, Louis? What am I doing wrong?"

It hurts me to see him this upset. I sigh, and look him right in the eye, "Niall, you're doing nothing wrong, okay? There's nothing wrong with you. Absolutely nothing. You're an amazing guy, and friend. You are, really. Yeah, they're going out but that doesn't mean that you have absolutely no chance anymore. Don't give up, okay? Don't let this upset you, you'll end up with whoever you're meant to end up with in the end."

Niall looks me right back in the eye and says, "Thanks, Lou."

"Can I ask you something?" I ask him.

"Yeah, sure." He replies, with a sigh.

"What makes Megan so special? I don't mean it in a rude way, she's nice and all but I mean, what makes her so different to you then every other girl?" I question him.

He sighs, "That's the thing. I'm not sure why she means so much to me. Well, she's nice, kind, funny, pretty and... I don't know, Lou. She just..."

"I understand," I assure him with a small smile, "You want to go downstairs now? They're probably wondering what on earth we're doing up here."

Niall nods with the slightest of a smile on his face, "Yeah, alright."

As we stand up I see him rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands and we both leave the room and head back downstairs and into the living room.

"Uh, what was that all about?" Zayn questions as we walk back inside, everyone staring at us intently.

"Niall needed the bathroom and I needed some tissue." I make up on the spot as we step inside, walking past Harry and Megan.

"I'm really happy for you guys that you're together." Niall smiles weakly at the two.

"Thanks, Niall." Harry smiles back at him and Megan just seems to stand there awkwardly, probably embarrassed.

Megan Watson's POV

Everything seems unreal.

Harry Styles - the Harry Styles is now my boyfriend.

You know that feeling you get sometimes when something amazing happens to you? Maybe it's that you found out your crush likes you back, that you've won something that you've always wanted, that you've finally met your idols, that feeling. That's what I feel at this moment. Like everything's a dream, and that I'm going to wake up soon, only to be disappointed when I wake up to find myself lying in my bed, as normal. Find out that I had never actually met One Direction, never laughed at Louis' jokes, never smiled to myself at Niall's laugh, never seen Harry up close, never learned to love Liam and his personality, that I had never tried to annoy Zayn by poking his back and then turning away when he turned around. That the last three months had never happened. But they did.

But it couldn't be a dream, I can feel Harry beside me, my feet placed on the wooden floor of the living room, and the soft lull of the movie we have long neglected on Netflix, I can't even remember what we had been watching before Harry called me into the kitchen.

This is very real.


A/N: Deep, Megan, deep x)

Megarry's an item whaaat. But poor Niall :( who do you ship? comment!

Sorry this chapter wasn't very good, I didn't know how to introduce Megarry :/

Thanks for reading,

Lisa :)

P.S should I cut out the part where Louis asks why Megan's so special? I'm not sure if I shouldd... Hmm.

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