3: Dinner

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There aren't any seats at her table. Not that I would ever have worked up the courage to sit there in the first place.

So I find my brother and we begin our search for someone who would let us sit with their family instead of our own. It doesn't take too long, most people are happy to let us sit with them.

I try not to think about her too much, but, well... there's just something about her that makes it hard to stop thinking about her.

I can't help but catch a glimpse of her sitting on the floor in the corner. She isn't doing much. I don't think she's even on her phone. She's just... sitting there. My interest level went up. Surely she has someone she can talk to, even if only a family member. And since she isn't talking to them, she must not want to.

Either she's feeling antisocial or she's angry at her family for something. I could sympathize, seeing as I'm usually both.

Not now, though. Now I want nothing more than social interaction, if only with one person- her.

I wonder what her voice sounds like. I wonder if she's nice.

Not much happens during the rest of dinner. I eat my food, and I only see her the one time. The brownies are really good, though. For what that's worth.

Thanks so much for all of your votes and reads! It makes me really happy whenever I see them. (Not that I base my personal worth on them or anything. But you know what I mean, it's nice to know people care)

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