× Chapter 1 ×

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I hear loud knocking on my door.
I sigh and go open the door.

"Hey Ness." my  friends say.

It's Nia,Jessie and Beth.

To be honest,I don't know why they hang out with me.I know them since we were little and they have always been popular.I was always that one weirdo that played games and dressed weird.

"Hey,what's up?" I say

"Uhm,it's girls night out.It's friday today you know?" Beth says

"Oh I was just planning to watch a movie,and eat and stalk band members on twitter." I say making it sound as normal as I could

"Seriously? This anti social thing is really not healthy for you" Jessie says

"C'mon go out with us" Nia says

"Will you leave me alone next friday if I do it?" I ask

"Sure sure" Nia says and they giggle.

I roll my eyes and say:

"Okay,let me just get my shoes" I say

"You're going like that?" Jesse gave me the look

"What's wrong with my hoodie?" I ask showing off my hoodie and yoga pants.

"It's just not for a club,wear a dress or something" Jesse says

"Hahaha no,no,no I'm not wearing a dress" I say

"A skirt?" Nia says

"No,jeans and a shirt,last option."
I say

"Fine" Nia says.

I finally let them in and they sit on a couch.They do look pretty in their dresses and high heels,but that's not me.

After about 10 minutes I got ready.I have skinny jeans on and black lace long sleeve shirt.

I get out of the bathroom.

"You look nice" Nia says

"Thanks Ni" I say

I turn off my tv and hug my bed.I know,I'm weird.

"I'm gonna miss you" I say to my bed

"Wow,you're such a weirdo." Jessie says

"Get your ass up,so we can go party" Beth says

I sigh and put on my leather jacket.I lock my flat and we went to a club.

I can't wait to go back home.I really don't want to go out.

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