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Sorry this took so long. I have a lot of books I need to update and now a bunch of books I started like 3 years ago are starting to get popular and more people are demanding updates and its hard to update 6 books at once- soooooo yeah.




"We're not going to let you leave until we get some answers, I mean It's not like this will hurt you in any way, right?"

I stay silent, just glaring at him.

After a solid minute or two passes I give up. "OHH fine." I sigh, trying to make my annoyance as obvious as possible. "I'll tell you about the day I met Bill, and the deal I made.


--------Dipper Pines POV-----------

"So you're telling me that the only reason we're in this mess is because you made a deal with Bill?" I ask, glaring at her as soon as she finished her explanation.

"He was going to kill me!" She points out, glaring back.

I sigh in annoyance.

"Plus- if me and your Mabel didn't agree to this, you and my brother would both be dead right now." She continues to explain.

"Alright... So then why did Bill even want to switch you two?" I ask.

She shrugs. "He told me it was too get the journal."

"But this isn't the only one- there are two more!" I point out. 

She shrugs again. "Don't ask me."

I sigh, a bit annoyed.

Mabel's bedroom door suddenly opens and a tired-looking Mabel steps out into the hallway.

"do you realize what time it is?" She yawns, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah- its six am, so what?" Mabel G asks, raising an eyebrow. (For situations like this- or maybe forever, I'm just going to say Mabel G.)

"I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in over a month." Mabel says, looking at her. (And Mabel Pines is just going to be Mabel- same thing with Dipper and Dipper G.)

"What? Why not?" Mabel G asks, looking confused.

"Because I was practically being held captive in your dimension." Mabel explains.

"But wh- wait... Why is my dimension so bad?" Mabel G asks.

"Well, most of the people there are nice- it's just your annoying brother that I don't like." Mabel glares at her. I look at Mabel's doppelgänger and she looks furious.

"He's not as annoying as your stupid brother!" Mabel G yells.

Mabel glares at her copy and I decide to intervene.

"Calm down you two." I say from the stairs, the two look at me, looking somewhat surprised as if they had completely forgotten I was standing there.

"Ohh right your here." Mabel G says, rolling her eyes.

Mabel glares at her and I lock eyes with her, shaking my head no.

She gets the message and sighs, obviously annoyed. "Fine.. I'm going back to bed." She says, walking back into her room and closing the door.

"So- is that really all you know?" I ask Mabel G once Mabel is gone.

She nods. "That's it."

"Fine, get back in the room we're tying you up again."

"What?!" She shrieks. "No way!"

The door to Mabel's room opens again and Mabel peeks her head into the hallway, giving us both a death glare before slamming the door. She never was much of a morning person.

Mabel looks back at me. "There's no way I'm going back to being tied to a chair."

"Too ba-"

She cuts me off. "You said you weren't letting me go till you got answers- I gave you answers so I should be able to leave now!" She protests.


"Ohh come on really?!" She yells angrily. The door to Mabel's room slams open.

"I swear if you wake me up one more time I'm going to kill both of you." Mabel glares at the two of us.

We both nervously nod.

She shuts the door and we both sigh in relief.

"Anyway- your not done answering I've still got a lot more questions." I whisper to the Gleeful twin.

"Like what?" She angrily whispers.

"Like what your dimension is like."

She sighs in frustration. "That could take hours to explain!" She whispers.

"Then you'd better get started." I lean against the wall.

She sighs in annoyance. "No thanks." She says.

"Fine then you'll just have to tell me, and the others later- and if course your going to explain your deal with Bill to them too."

She glares at me furiously, then sighs in annoyance. "Fine." She growls.

She then walks past me and down the stairs.

"Umm.. What exactly are you doing?" I ask

"There is no way I'm sleeping on that chair. I know there's a couch or at least something more comfortable down here." She says as she continues to walk.


Yep I'm cutting it off there- but I'll update again tomorrow....
Actually for me tomorrow is in like 30 minutes (it's currently 11:30pm where I am.)

So see you in 30 minutes- or maybe sooner!

Or maybe I'll fall asleep while writing and update when I wake up..

Either way see you soon.

Who are you?! ((Reversed Falls))Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant