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"Your welcome!" I yell back, throwing my hands in the air angrily. But I'm confused as I feel a metal feeling on both of my wrists. I look up to see Stan with handcuffs, except the handcuffs are on my hands...

"Stan?! What are you doing?!" I yell, keeping up the Mabel act.

"I saw you tackle Dipper, Mabel, if that's even your name. Dipper was right before, your not Mabel." Stan responds, glaring down at me.

Ohh no......

----Mabel Gleeful's POV----

"Ohh come on! First handcuffs, now this? What's wrong with you people?!" I yell, squirming in the chair they had just tied me too. No one was in the room, but I knew they were waiting outside the door, discussing what they should do now.

I chuckle slightly. "Idiots." I laugh. 'I know Bills main objective was to get that stupid journal, so I have nothing to worry about. Soon I'll no longer be apart of this stupid game he decided to play. '

------Dippers POV-----
"Told ya so." I say as soon as soon as Stan closes the door to Mabel's room, where we had tied up the imposter.

"Yeah yeah, you were right. But that's not important right now. The real question is why that girl is impersonating Mabel." Stan thinks aloud.

"Well I didn't think much of it at the time, but about a month ago Mabel took my journal and ran upstairs too her room. When I got up here the door was locked and it only opened after there was some sort of flash, when I finally got in the room, she was dressed like Gideon. Though I guessed that she was just trying on random clothes so I didn't think much of it." I explained.

"You mean here was some sort of weird super natural thing happening and you didn't freak out? Well that's a first.." Stan chuckled.

I glare at him. "Nows not the time for jokes. I didn't think about it because this is Mabel we're talking about, I know she wouldn't do anything stupid." Dipper said.

"People make mistakes Dipper." Is all he says.

I roll my eyes and open the door a crack, looking in to see her still tied up, but she was laughing for some reason. 'Creepy...'

I close he door and look at Stan again. "Anyway, that's not important. What's important is finding out who she is and why she's here. More importantly who sent her here."

Stan nods and opens the door. "Alright kid, time for some answers." He says, glaring at her.

--------Bills POV------

I watch from the scenario unfold from the dreamscape, completely invisible too the people in the room.
I scowl. 'That stupid idiot got herself caught just like the Pines girl.' I think, then grin slightly, 'Ohh well, I got what I was after.'

"Answers? What answers?" Mabel asks curiously, tilting her head.

"You know what we're talking about." The old man growls.

"Who are you?!" Dipper adds, glaring at her, trying to be intimidating.

I hold in a laugh as Mabel looks even more confused. "I'm Mabel Pines, of course!" She cheers happily.

"No your not!" Dipper yells. "When we first met, you said your name was Mabel Gleeful, remember that?" He accuses. I grin slightly. 'So he actually remembers, that idiot introducing herself like that.'

"I was just kidding around Dipper!" Mabel protests.
'Shes actually doing a pretty good job with coming up with random excuses.. Maybe she can actually-'

"Then how do you explain the bright light there was in your room before you decided to 'fool around' not to mention I heard 2 other voices in your room, but when you opened the door, you were alone. Explain that." Dipper says, pointing an accusing finger at her.
'Spoke too soon'

"I- umm... Well I..." Mabel said, trying to come up with an excuse.

Dipper smirks, crossing his arms in satisfaction. "Exactly my point. Bill had something to do with this and I know that he told you something so spit it out." He demands.
'He figured out that I'm involved... well that's an unexpected turn of events.'

"Fine... I'm not your Mabel.." The girl sighs in defeat.

"Who are you?" Dipper asks, glaring at the girl.

'I should probably stop her from doing anything she'll regret later.. But I won't.'

"Your right, my name is Mabel Gleeful. I'm from a different dimension." She sighs. "Bill swapped me and what I assume is your twin."

"Why?" Stan demanded angrily.

"I don't know.." The gleeful twin sighs.

A blue flash suddenly brightens the room, leaving Will in his human form, a very surprised Mabel Pines standing next to him.

I scowl down at the two. 'I forgot to keep watching them.' I think angrily, quickly rushing out of that part of the mindscape before Will could see me. I change into my human form and set the journal down on a small table, grinning.

A few minutes pass and I grin, hearing someone from the outside saying my name. It's not a way to summon me, but I like to make my appearance when people do. I laugh, disappearing from the mindscape and reappearing in the twins room, my laugh echoing throughout the Mystery Shack as I become visible. 'This'll be fun.' I think, grinning.


I'll update again tomorrow so keep an eye out!

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