The Show

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--Mabel Pines' POV--

"A show..." I mumble sadly, walking up to a teal dresser that I assumed was Mabel Gleeful's and opened the first drawer, getting dressed into what she would usually wear. I tossed my sweater and skirt to the side, sighing.

"This is a bad Idea..." I mumble to myself. I shook it off and put an evil smirk on my face- like Other-me usually did.

"She finally shows up." Dipper says once I get downstairs.

"Yeah-Yeah, whatever." I say sarcastically. This is so weird... 

"Thats good, your done with the happy, joyous stuff." He says with a smirk. I give him a glare and he looks slightly surprised, then shrugs, his smirk reappearing.

"Anyway- we have a show to get started." He says, dragging me outside the house and to the Tent of Telepathy, which I guess here, is called "The Tent of Mystery" and pushed me onto a large stage, a large crowd were all sitting into the small room. I tried to look confident- but so far I was failing miserably.

"Welcome!" I heard Dipper yell from my left. I knew what I was supposed to say, so I took a deep breath.

"To The!" I yell.

"Tent of Mystery!" We yell in unison, suddenly a box appears in the center of the stage, it has slits In it, where I assume knives go and is colorfully painted with multicolored stars.

"Any volunteers?" Dipper asks, smirking slightly. He nods over to me and I give him a confused look. 'Ohh- he wants me to choose the volunteer...' I think to myself. I feel a grin creep onto my face as I stroll through the crowd, eyeing a 17 year old boy in the second row. He looked a lot like my Dipper- he even had the PineTree hat! I smile sweetly, extending my hand to him. Instead, the girl next to him grabs my hand, I see him mutter 'thank you' to her and I frown slightly- I guess reversed-me was obsessed with reversed-Gideon like regular Gideon was obsessed with me...

I sighed and looked at the girl who had grabbed my hand. Pink mini-skirt, purple sweater, pink headband- wait... This must be-
"Pacifica..." I mutter, then realize that the crowd was waiting for me to do something, and Dipper was tapping his foot impatiently. I let out a nervous chuckle and slowly walk up to the stage as Dipper eases Reversed-Pacifica into the box, winking at her. I roll my eyes, based on the memories that Bill showed me, Dipper Gleeful is a huge flirt.

"And now, the real show begins!" Dipper announces to the crowd, then shuts the box, locking Pacifica inside.

-------Mabel Gleefull's POV-----
"Stupid demon, why is he making me do this?" I mutter, slipping on a pink Shooting Star sweater from that stupid girl's wardrobe. I look in the mirror, I look like Pacifica...
I try not to gag and skip downstairs, trying to act as 'peppy' as I can.

"Hey Bro-Bro!" I cheer, using the idiotic nickname that other-me had given Dipper.

"Ohh- hey... Glad your done with your little game of make believe..." He mutters the last part, then chuckles. "I mean who's ever heard of Mabel Gleeful?" He laughs.
At this point, I want to impale him and make him eat those words- but that would cost the life of my brother, so I hold myself back.

"Heh-heh, yeah!" I say, forcing a smile.

"Anyway- what do you wanna do today?" He asks, walking over to me.

"I'm going out." I say.
'To do some research' I think.
"to the mall" I say.
'And finds one idiots who will follow my orders' 
"To make some new friends." I cheer.

His eyes narrow at me, but then he shrugs and picks up a journal- Journal number 3....
The journal that me and my brother have been trying to get since we were 12.... I can't believe it's been 5 years since then....

"Have fun." He says quickly, noticing that I'm glaring at the journal. He pushes me out the front door and closes it behind me.

I'm definitely going to need an ally as long as I'm in this dimension- and who better then my enemy in my dimension? Since this is reversed, Pacifica Northwest should be just as mean as me... I walk over to the bush where I hid my old clothes and walk to a place called "Greasy's diner" I walk into the bathroom and change back into my old clothes, walking out of the diner slowly.
I hide the sweater and miniskirt in the bushes outside the diner, deciding that I'll come back for them later.

For now- it's time to make a new "Friend"

Late update, I know but I'm updating again on Friday because I have NO SCHOOL on Friday! (*little squeal of happiness*)

Anyways- see you all on Friday!

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