Undefined Facebook Account

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Do you know Facebook? Of course you do. Have you ever encountered an “undefined" error on Facebook? It sort of leaves an “undefined" status update on your wall. Be aware, that the happenings you are about to read are indeed… creepy.

As I was surfing on the Internet, watching funny videos of people failing at the most simple tasks and tweeting useless messages, I received an e-mail: “Undefined wants to add you as a friend on Facebook". I thought, that this is just a joke or a bot, but I still added it as a friend. I went to check its Facebook page. Apparently, it joined today, 20 seconds ago and with that time, it had also managed to add some pictures, all of them were either just black or white, with a description “undefined" under the picture.

I felt a little uneasy, what did it want from me?

Why did it join Facebook to add me as friend?

Then I received a personal message from “Undefined": 1234H5678E9012L3456P7890. Creeped out, I closed my mail and went back to “undefined"-s page to check its personal info - there was nothing. Except its birthday, which was today. Facebook showed that “undefined" was offline, but then something happened, my FB chat popped up and “undefined" tried to chat with me. It said: 9i87g65n3o21r09e. I thought that it was just a kid that tried to joke with me, so I blocked it.

It took 5 seconds to receive another mail. “00000000 wants to add you as a friend on Facebook". Now, I went straight to 00000000-s page and it had the same info as “undefined"-s. Joined today 18 seconds ago and was born today, but this time the pictures the account had were strange. Pictures of different abnormally happy people were on its page, some were adults, some were minors, they didn’t fit to this page.

I browsed the album, but after all of those strangely happy pictures, came a picture of me and my friends with my face blanked out. I was shocked. I had now realised that I am being stalked by someone…. or something. And then, unexpectedly, I saw a picture of my house and me sitting behind a computer that seemed to be taken… just… now.

I was scared and shocked, nothing couldn’t prepare me to this picture and the fact that this thing knows, where I live. I rushed to block all my windows with curtains and lock all the doors. I was out of breath and shocked. I didn’t want to return to my computer but I did. I had received a message from 00000000. “turn off000your webcam, peop00le look ugly0000 when the00y are sweat00y". At that moment, I screamed and literally destroyed my webcam, that had been left on by accident with bare hands. My hands were now bloody and bits of plastic were inside my hand.

I blocked 00000000 and after that I received a mail, I didn’t want to see what mail. My phone had no battery left, so I couldn’t call anyone and I didn’t want to go outside either. After a while, my neighbour left a status update on my wall: “people shou00ld loc00k their door00s"…

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