The House

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–VOICE RECORDING: TAPE 1 FEBRUARY 15, 2006; TOP SECRET; evidence for cause of death – Michael Mayback, Josh Horn, Kevin Mitchell–

Michael: Dude I don’t even know why we’re here. This is fucking stupid.

Josh: It’s only one night. Stop being such a fucking chicken. It’s not that serious.

Michael: Don’t you know in the movies when the people hear about something being haunted or dangerous but they still go? They end up dead you know.

Kevin: But this isn’t a movie. This is real life. We just go for tonight, sleep and get the money the next day. Easy.

Michael: Which is more important, money or life?

Josh: Michael shut the hell up and hurry up. Get your clothes and let’s go.



Josh: Wow guys look at the place. It doesn’t even look that scary.

Kevin: They have a TV. And cable. Who wants to watch ESPN?

Michael: I don’t care how nice this place looks.

Kevin: Dude would you loosen up? It’s only one night. We’ll be out tomorrow.

Josh: Yeah. Stop being such a fucking pussy about everything.


Kevin: Let’s watch some TV. Just because I feel a bit bad for you, you can choose the channel Michael.

Josh: Yeah big Mike. Choose the channel.

Michael: Shut up. I hate it when you call me that. Gosh, you guys can be so annoying sometimes.

Kevin: No wait. Let’s go upstairs first.

Michael: why?

Kevin: So we can see where everything is. You know, bathroom, bedrooms, that stuff. You aren’t scared are you?

Josh: Of course he is. Big Mike is scared of everything.

Michael: Shut the hell up.


Michael: Okay I am not going down that hallway.

Kevin: It’s not that serious. Come on, who has to take a leak?

Josh: I do. Where the hell’s the bathroom?

Michael: I’ll just wait here. There is no way in the mother of fuck that I’m going down that hallway.

Kevin: You know what? If you want to stay, fine. Give the recorder to Josh. Let’s go. If we stay any longer I’m going to piss myself.


Josh: What’s Michael’s problem? He’s such a fucking scaredy cat.

Kevin: I don’t know. He’ll get over it. He’s always like that at first.

Josh: What are you going to do with that money when we get out of here?

Kevin: I don’t know. Sex, beer, drugs. What are you going to do?

Josh: I don’t know either. Show it off or something.


Kevin: There’s the bathroom. Who’s going first?

Josh: You are. Go.


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