Chapter TwentyFive: Wedding

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Authors Note: This chapter was the hardest for me to write as I wanted to get it as detailed, intimate and personal as I possibly could . I've grown to love my characters in this book so I wanted to give them the best wedding in the history of story book weddings so I hope you enjoy !

(Please listen to this song at the top as it's the official song Cassandra will walk down the isle one , but  don't play it until you see the # symbol)

Cassandra took a deep breath as her hands begun to shake as she was sure she was about to throw up due to her nerves, today was the big day . Today was the day she was about to become Mrs. Cassandra Black .

It was crazy what had happened in the space of 9 and a half months! To think this time last year she was a Junior in high school with one friend , no boyfriend with no clue with what she wanted to do in the future but now she had been kidnapped , fallen in love and was about to start the first day of the rest of her life . It was surreal .

She was surrounded by people beautiful in mind , body and spirit but most importantly and scarily tonight she was about to be with Samuel in mind , spirit and officially body . Her friends had given her a prep talk on what to do , how to act and what to wear and even though some of it was slightly outrageous she was grateful for it .

"Be fancy with it , can you still do the splits ? Good . But can you do it on the dick tho ?" - From Ebony of course .

"You'll be fine Cass, he loves you and he will make it as good for you as possible . He'd never hurt you" - The reassuring advice form Dylan .

"Hey honey , how are you feeling ?" Asked the soft but wry tone of Cassandra's father as he and her mother entered the room Cassandra was getting her hair and makeup done in .

"I'm fine dad"replied Cassandra trying to make her tone as soothing as possible .

She knew her parents didn't like Samuel , not that she blamed them, as every time he saw them the impression he made was awful . 

Cassandra was always close to her parents , way more than Ebony as she had always been the "baby " of the family . She needed looking after and for her to just jet off with some stranger was concerning for them , it was something expected of Ebony .

"Well I still don't buy this or him , marriage is a huge step, your barely 18 and his good knows how old"Scoffed Mrs.Banks her lips curling is disgust .

"Mom, p-"

"No! My youngest daughter is getting married and I should be so proud and happy for you but instead I feel dread and doubt ? Why is that ? There's isn't a bone in my body that is telling me that he doesn't love you because I know he does but sometimes love isn't enough , I'm not saying don't marry him but I'm saying wait it out . If he loves you he will wait , right ? What's the big rush , your only 18 and you haven't had a chance to find yourself and be independent - for the whole of your life you've been dependent on us and now your dependent on him . You need to be a kid; go to collage ,party , travel around the world, eat good food and meet good people" Explained Mrs.Banks sounding passionate as her speech had come from her heart .

Cassandra's mouth hung open in shock as she wasn't expecting that at all , she expected her mom to yell and shout how much she hated Samuel which is why she was getting ready to defend him- now she was speechless .

What was she meant to reply to that ? Everything her mother had said was very valid , came from her heart and actually reasonable . She was only 18, she had no real life experience and had never actually been independent .

"Just think about what I'm saying okay? Good luck" And with a quick kiss to her cheek they were gone .

Cassandra took a deep breath and was about to put her head in her arms when the makeup artist snapped "I don't think so ! This is a masterpiece that cannot afford to be ruined honey , head up and smile !".

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