Chapter Eleven: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.

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Authors Note: I'm back at school now which means my updates wont be as frequent as I would like but I promise to still update as much as I can so enjoy this chapter. You know the drill, 20votes&10 comments and listen to the video at the top or the side.


"Put the world on a sound, you know party and the weekend" Drake Club going up on a Tuesday.

Cassandra followed May up the pathway to the nice looking house which was blasting a old school classic which she was sure was Nelly Hot In Here but her ears weren't as good as Mays who could hear every lyric Nelly came out with , including the thumping off the bass.

"Are you sure it's okay if I show up at the party when I wasn't invited? " whisper hissed Cassandra , suddenly feelings nervous.

"Sure" May shrugged "You're the Luna, you can do what you want".

Cassandra rolled her eyes at Mays lack of assurance as she burst open the door to find a pack of beautiful looking people drinking, laughing and messing about until they spotted Cassandra. Immediately they went quite , the music was switched off and Cassandra felt herself turn bright red as everyone bowed at her.

"Luna! Is everything Okay? I hope the music isn't a problem because we could stop the party right now"Said a pretty looking curvy black girl coming forward looking nervous.

"N-no it's fine and call me Cassandra, I came for the party if that's ok?" Cassandra replied nervously.

"Oh! Yeah, of course you can join the party, it would be our honor. Would you like a drink? I'm Danielle but you're welcome to call me Danny".

"Sure" Smiled Cassandra following Danielle who looked fabulous in a grey figure hugging dress and white open toed strappy sandals.

Danielle grabbed her a Blue WKD which only had about 3% of alcohol as she figured her Luna wasn't a drinker and she didn't want to get her head ripped off by an angry Alpha King who had a drunk mate. Plus the hunky scary Guy who was following her already mind linked her and told her nothing too strong.

"Thank you " Cassandra said carefully sipping the blue liquid before deciding she liked it and taking a huge gulp.

"It's fine, How do you like your new home then?" Danny asked pouring herself some Baileys, the only alcoholic drink she drank because it tasted slightly like Ice-Cream but with 18% alcohol.

Cassandra bit her lip deciding on how to answer the question; Everyone here was nice but she missed Dylan, her parents and her sister but she decided it wasn't a good idea to say that in case the water works came , so she settled with a simple "Good".

"Are you okay Luna?" Frowned Daniel , giving Danielle a dirty look.

"I'm fine"Cassandra lied gulping down the blue liquid and asking for another one before asking for a Baileys once she was done with that .

Cassandra wasn't exactly what you would call a big drinker and she normally had zero tolerance for the bitter tasting drinks but Baileys tasted so creamy and WKD had a wonderful lovely,  fruity tang to it which made her decide that these two drinks were her absolute favourite .

May came skipping in the kitchen looking like the wolf who got the cream as she dragged a handsome boy with her and Cassandra wondered if all wolves were genetically beautiful.

"Cass, meet my former ex boyfriend Callum! "Giggled May , her eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Hello Luna "Bowed Callum not daring to come too close to her in case Samuel came popping up any minute.

"It's Cassandra! "She grumbled rolling her eyes before widening her eyes in shock, that was not like her to say such a rude thing.

Danielle, May and Daniel all laughed at the shocked adorable look on her face before May said "You're even funnier when you drink. Can we have more Baileys please?".

"Right up Ma'am "Giggled Danny getting a extra 2 glasses.

"Maybe Cassandra shouldn't have any more, I don't think -"

"Samuel didn't banned her from drinking so she's fine, don't worry Daniel. Nobody would dare do anything to harm or upset Cass anyway, nobody is suicidal here"May interpreted rolling her eyes.

After a few more drinks and lots of giggling and gossip ,  Hookah by Tyga came on and the girls dragged Cassandra to the dance floor and they had the time of their lives. They made up a cute and quick dance routine that consisted of jumping up and down , flashing their hair and waving their hands like a windmill as everyone laughed and cheered them on and even Daniel joined in.

"YOU DON'T KNOW YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!!!! "Hollered May as One Direction came on , pointing at a gigging Cassandra who was bobbing her head like a mad women making Danny crack up.

"IF ONLY YOU SAW WHAT I CAN SEE, YOU'D UNDERSTAND WHY I WANT YOU !! "Hollered Cassandra while her and Daniel went back to back and shimmed against each other which was a extremely funny sight seeing as Cassandra was 5ft and he was 6ft3.

As soon as Fergalicious by Fergie came on the whole party went crazy as the girls and Daniel sang the whole song correctly while doing the runny man, Jumping, attempting to break dance, slut drop and flicking their hairs.

It was truly like the worlds worst band as non of them could dance or sing but it was the best fun Cassandra had had in a while and she didn't feel awkward or shy for once in her whole life !

Sure, it was probably because she had had a drink or two or five but tonight really was awesome! Everyone was having the time of their lives and she felt like she belonged for once and everyone actually seemed to like her, she knew from  this day forward that she truly belonged in this pack.

"It's 11:35" Came a dark booming voice from the back of the room that immediately silenced the dancing and singing apart from when May muttered "Shit!".

Cassandra was most definitely too sacred to turn around and face the voice, she could imagine how angry he was going to be but she had a feeling he would be more pissed off with Daniel as he was meant to get her home 5minutes ago but it wasn't his fault so she slowly turned around.

Even without the lights on she could see how beautiful he looked even with the glare in his eyes, he was like her very own Greek God. He was so perfect, not a flaw in sight and it hurt to look at him for to long; She was sure it wasn't legal to look so sinfully good.

His energy was almost magnetic, his power surrounded the room as every wolf submissively bared their neck to him as a sign of respect. She felt herself walking towards him as if his body was calling to hers and as soon as she was in reaching distance , he grabbed her hand.

"This party is finished, Daniel take May home and tomorrow we will discuss why you dismissed my orders and defied me"Snarled Samuel, his body as still as a statue.

"It's not Daniels fault! I'm a big girl who can look after herself and who can tell the time, I'm responsible for myself so if anyone should be in trouble it's me" Cassandra declared .

"Don't worry Kitten, you'll be getting exactly what you deserve tonight " Samuel rumbled as his eyes roamed her body.

Cassandras eyes widened dramatically but before she could quickly try and defend her innocence , Samuel scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder caveman style.

Authors Note: THIS IS IMPORTANT SO PLEASE READ!!! The next chapter will have some sexual content and in case Wattpad puts it on private I suggest you Follow me so you can read it because It's gonna be good (Fingers crossed).

#EDITED 8/7/17

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