I tilted my head back and looked around, yawning. "What does your family think of me?"

You smiled quickly, as though you didn't even have to think about it. "They think you're a pretty, smart girl. They like you."

"But in relation to you what do they think?"

You chuckled softly. "Um... they think you're respectable? I don't know. But they consider us evenly matched, I think."


"It's an example."


We both held our breaths as someone walked into the area and hoped that they wouldn't see us. When they walked back out, I burst into a fit of silly, breathless giggle.

"Jude, that was ridiculously close. Maybe we should just go out to lunch or something? You could get fired for having me back here."

"You? No. You're harmless." You grinned, and I shoved your shoulder playfully.

"I'm serious! I'm just your average civilian, and you have brought me into the depths of food storage. Consumable goods, Jude Christopher Brahm. That's important stuff to risk contaminating in the name of secretive hang out areas." I raised both eyebrows earnestly and grinned at you.

You leaned forward until our knees brushed each other. "I'm willing to risk it, I think."

"Scandalous! Risking the health of hundreds of people in the name of a silly date." I clucked my tongue at you and smirked when your cheeks turned red.

"It's not a date."

"Oh, whatever. It's totally a date." I grinned, and your cheeks darkened even more. "Don't lie to yourself, Jude."

You rubbed your face with one hand, and I sat back, smiling at the way that I had made you so uncomfortable. It was an evil thing, an evil way to be, but I thought it was kind of hilariously adorable how flustered you were.

All because I proposed that it might be a date.

Wink wink. (Seriously, my dear, you were so cute and I couldn't help messing with you. That, and I sort of hoped that it was actually a date.)

Then, after a minute, you looked up, and you drove the blush from your face with a winning smile. 

I didn't know what to think. "So is it a date? Or not?"

"Not really," you said softly, and I almost sighed. But that smile didn't leave your face, and it occurred to me all at once that perhaps, just maybe, that smile was a little bit suspicious.

Looking back, I want to kiss you then. You knew what you were up to. I had thought that I had you, and then you decide that the game belongs to you, and by God, you're going to play it better than anyone has before.

You've never been one to allow yourself to be whipped. You are a winner, dear.

And you were a winner then, too. I guess that's what I can attest your behavior to.

My heart was beating very fast. With every pulse a battering ram smacked my lungs with enough force to drive the air from them. "Jude, what are you smiling about?"

You didn't answer me in words.

You leaned in. My eyes drifted closed. Our lips touched. I think I froze for a moment.

Then, I considered who you were and I melted. You were Jude. My friend, my 'mutual like.' Someone I could be myself with.

And apparently someone who wanted to kiss me.

I have never been one to disappoint.

I kissed you back.

I think that was the first time that I realized just how important you could be. And when we pulled apart, made up of shaking hands and trembling voices, I saw it in your eyes.

I saw that adventure that you told me about on the first day we met.

~ ~ ~

I remember that kiss like it was yesterday. (I also remember the scolding we received from your boss when she found us back there, still talking.)

Do you remember?

I kiss you sometimes, just softly, sometimes on your forehead or your cheek or your hair. I miss your kisses, though. I miss your hugs. I miss your voice, I miss your laugh, I miss I miss I miss...

It would be easier to list the things about you that I don't miss. Here.

Things I don't miss about Jude Christopher Brahm:


Because I have grown to appreciate everything about you in the last year. Those little quirks that once got on my nerves are now things that I remember and smile about. (Things like leaving your bath towel slung over the foot of the bed or putting the dishes in the dishwasher the wrong way.)

The things that used to bother me were so ridiculous. What I wouldn't give to have one of your 'annoying' quirks back.

I miss you.

And this is kind of random, but you wouldn't mind if I slept here tonight, would you? Because I don't want to go home.


Aurora (The lonely one.)

. . .

[This chapter is dedicated to silver-sea for the gorgeous cover she made me. Give her a follow, because she is a very sweet person. :) ]

Sincerely, Aurora [completed]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ