I Don't Believe

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*I started writing this at like, 2:14AM so sorry if it is a bit, nope, A LOT sluggish. Also I am currently depressed.*

After another class of questions, we came to the conclusion that Ymir knew, whilst Annie, in a different class, Bertholdt and Reiner did not, although Sasha didn't give much help as she had acted very unreadable and couldn't really care.

We were able to gain a short break with the next class being Eren's which, I admit, it was terrifying me. We sat in a 'Teacher's  Lounge', away from the others so we could gather our thoughts.

"So far, we're only certain of Ymir.Who knows who else could know?" Hanji exclaimed, ticking a box next to Ymir's name on the list I had made earlier. 

"These kids are shitty and annoying." I mumbled. "Remind me to never work with children."

"Levi, Eren is a child too." Hanji laughed.

"Shut up." Even so my mind trailed to Eren, how would he act, perhaps he'd act a bit more childish and carefree? Maybe he'd act more serious with his school life? I turned my head to face Hanji who was engaged in one of my books.

"You know, you're really good at this." Hanji complimented. 


"No I mean it! Who knows, maybe Eren's a fan of your work."

"Unlikely since he doesn't know who I was."

"I can't remember the name to a lot of authors on my apartment shelves. But I remember I enjoyed one series, what was it called? It had something to do with vampires and werewolves?"

"Oh God, not that." I knew exactly what she was talking about, yet I didn't want to bring it up if it meant she had to talk about it more.


I sat in the same chair once more with Hanji sitting on the desk. Mr. Hannes was supposed to be the substitute teacher for this class but asked me to fill in instead. Unfortunately, Hanji answered for me.

"Why do I have to teach something? I thought I said I don't work with children in school!" I yelled quietly at her.

"Because you can teach whatever you want and it'll be easier for you to see who remembers." She smiled. "Plus, you set up a date between me and Petra without my say so this is my little revenge."

"Could you at least get your ass off the table?" I asked sternly, she grabbed a chair from the back of the class and sat beside me. I heard the ear-piecing bell. And heard the hall-way burst into chatter as students began to file in. However, the moment the door opened, I was met with the same ocean-green eyes I grew to love so much. His messy brown hair looked so soft, his toned skin smooth and clean, exactly the same as the last time I'd seen him. 

"Hanji?" he asked. Completely ignoring my existence. "Why are you here?"

"Well, I'm here with him." She pointed towards me, which only made me feel more uncomfortable. His eyes that were usually filled with joy when he'd see me, was now grey with confusion. I took a silent breath in and pulled myself together. Turning my head to try to stop myself from embracing him.

"Just get in, kid." I said blankly. "I'm teaching today and that's all you need to know."

Eren gave me a look that he used to have all the time when he was around me, I had thought it was cute at first, but now, with a look of fear on his face. It felt wrong. Either way he moved to his seat on the second row as more students filled in. I saw Jean, Christa, Connie and Armin. Though the one person that stood out the most, was none over than, Mikasa Ackerman, considering the glare she sent me already told me that she remembered. I stood up and started pacing near the front of my desk.

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