Hey mr. prick ~18~

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“Took you long enough.” She said irritatingly and I rolled my eyes. I followed her out of the room and down the hall.

“Why did you wake me up this early?” I whined, she turned around and glared which made me shut up. Damn, this girl could be intimidating.

“Early? It’s ten thirty and it’s early?” She narrowed her eyes and I gawked. TEN FREAKIN THIRTY? WOW, I must be tired. I rubbed my neck and nodded, still sleepy.

When we went into the kitchen, I walked over to the stainless-steel fridge and poured myself some juice.

“Xavier’s here.” Jess said casually and I choked on my drink. I bet I looked a sight, I thought whilst wheezing uncontrollably.

“WHAT?” I screamed at her when I was in control of myself and she looked stunned. I wiped the juice off of my mouth and asked her, “Where is he?” She fiddled with her fingers nervously.

“With Chris?” She squealed and I ran to the living room to see Chris and Xavier continuing their glaring contest from yesterday. What’s wrong with those two? This was getting old.

“Ahem.” I coughed and both of them looked at me. Chris smiled automatically whilst Xavier stood up.

“Morning.” I said looking at both of them. I was trying to look for any clues for their hostile attitudes.

“I see you’re finally awake.” Chris put his feet on the table and I glared at him though he didn’t seem to care.

“Yeah.” I looked at Xavier, bewildered. “What brings you here?” I asked him confusion written all over my face.

He looked a Chris and smirked which made Chris glare and stand beside me, with his arm around my shoulder. It was Chris’s turn to smirk and Xavier’s to glare.

“We have to go to the company today. Did you forget?” He asked me and I nodded. The company, of course!

“Yah, sorry, been tired.” I yawned and saw Xavier smirk. OH, NOT GOOD.

“Yah baby you must be tired after all that work we did yesterday.” He looked at me and I could see he was enjoying this. “You were so loud.” He moaned and I blushed crimson. Truthfully, he sounded really hot and it was making me hot.

I looked at Chris and he was beet red but not from the embarrassment, from Xavier. There was anger bubbling under the surface and I knew it was going to spill out.

“YOU DID WHAT?” Chris screamed and I smacked my forehead. “Uh, nothing, nothing. Right Xavier?” I glared at him menacingly and I could tell that he was trying so hard not to laugh.

Before Xavier could say anything, Jess barged in the room, “Is it true?” She asked excitedly and I hid my face in my hands. DAMN YOU XAVIER. Now look what you’ve done. He truly was the devil’s spawn.

Hey Mr.Prick. It's NOT a pleasure to meet you!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz