The performance

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Hey guys (:

I've decided to write today. I'm just really diving for some more followers. Please help me out? It'd make my day. Like seriously. Follow mee c;


Chesca POV:

The lady looked at us confused, thinking it'd be only Whitley and I, even the guys. As we went up the stage, we all lined up to each microphone. Everyone was cheering louder, which made us even more anvious for this. ''Uhm, Okay what song are you guys going to sing?'' Whitley said, ''we are going to sing V.S.O.P by K Michelle.''  She nodded, and they started the music. We chucked the mic out and began getting into the beat.. ( Video on side )



Hit the lights

Can't let no one see me get down

It's alright

I know they think I get around

You and I

Got something they can't know about

Really only heaven knows my heart

You know this ain't an ordinary love

We got so much history in the stories about us

So come on over baby


We gon' light some candles tonight

Very special

We gon' do whatever you like

Very special

Got some Henney chillin' on ice

Very special

Hope you make the rest of my life

Very special

Very special

All night


Warm my bed

It's a little cold on your shoulder

Mama said

I would understand when I'm older

In my head

Even if you tell me it's over

I'll pretend you told me I'm your all


Cause you know this ain't an ordinary love

We got so much history in the stories about us

So come on over baby


We gon' light some candles tonight

Very special

We gon' do whatever you like

Very special

Got some Henney chillin' on ice

Very special

Hope you make the rest of my life

Very special

Very special

All night


He supposed to be with you

That what everybody gon' tell me

But I can't really count on what everybody gon' tell me

She ain't seen her baby in a couple days

And I'm looking at my baby right up in his face


Flowers and gifts, restaurants

I swear he buy me anything I want

That's why I'm so quick to

Put that music on for him, listen to it baby!


We gon' light some candles tonight

Very special

We gon' do whatever you like

Very special

Got some Henney chillin' on ice

Very special

Hope you make the rest of my life

Very special

Very special

Very special

Very special

All night


Once the music stopped completly, everyone went all out. We even got a standing ovation! We bowed laughing, while the lady came back on stage. ''Now that sure is talent. I loved it!'' She was shocked and really happy now from the last time we saw her. We made our way back down to our seats, while going to see Roc on the way who was going crazy, and shooting  those haters a smile. A couple more peope went next, but it sure in hell wasn't as better as our audience. That's when Mindless Behavior went up, even though everyone already knew them already. They sang one of their hits, My Girl. Roc was watching me when he was singing, while I smiled the whole time. After they were done, they got a whole bunch of crazed fans, mostly girls, screaming to the top of their lungs. I gotta admit, they were amazing.

After a whole bunch of other people performed, did their acts, and dances, it was over. ''I really enjoyed watching you guys. That was incredible. But sadly, it's time to go.'' Once she said that, the bell rang, and school was out. I jumped out of my seat, and grabbed my bag.

Jazzy POV: The boys met up with us, while they were all in a private conversation with the girls. I went over to Prod and jumped on him. ''You was amazing girl,'' he said as I embraced him in a hug. ''You were too.'' I said as we started walking down, with his hand interwined with mines. We went to the bus with the others.

Gabby POV: 'Baby you was amazing,'' Ray said while we was in the seat in the bus. I smiled. '' Aw Ray, Tell me something I don't know.''  He shook his head smiling while I gave him a kiss. He kissed me back, deepening it, while I bit his lip. ''Ooh Gabes,'' He said groaning in between kisses. I giggled. ''Get a damn room!'' We stopped seeing Prod besides us with Jazzy in disgust and Jazzy was just laughing at his facial expression. Ray and I looked at each other smirking then turned the other way to give Prod a clear view. I pressed his lips against mine grabbing his shirt, as he slipped tounge. ''Yall sick!'' Prod yelled as Jazzy was dying of laughter. We both flicked him off, going back to what we were doing.

 Whitley POV: I glanced at Prod yelling at Ray and Gabby getting it on. I laughed to myself. They will do anything to make people gross out. ''So your jealous.'' I turned around, noticed Jacob's eyes on me this whole time. ''Sure,'' I said rolling my eyes playfully. ''Well I can do that ten times better.'' I laughed, ''right,'' I said sarcastically. Without noticing, he pressed his lips to mines. He bit my lip, asking for entrance, and I let him. He slipped tounge, exploing in my mouth. I played in his curly hair, as he groaned. We stayed there for awhile until we broke apart for air. We both were breathing hard. ''Proved you wrong,'' He said doing that sexy smirk he always pulls out. ''Oh my gosh, shut up,'' I said smiling.

 The bus finally came to a stop. We stepped out, as rest of the crew, since we kinda were in the same area. We made it outside in the sidewalk, as I met up with the girls. ''So, we'll see yall later?'' Ray asked, all the boys looking at us for our decision. 'Sure,'' Whitley said. We said our goodbyes, and made our way to Chesca's house, as always. We had lots to talk about.

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