Shoulders to cry on

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Whitley's POV: I was stil sad because of my mom crying and her bruises. I knew it was dad. He started this awhile ago, now he wants to continue for no fucking reason. Who knows where he is at now. Psycho much. Probably in the house with her with me being gone. I feel so irresponsible. Jazzy dragged me down here because we are going to the boys house, but  today is just not the day. Well too late now because I'm in a car. I'm excited to  see them, but all I'm thinking about mostly is my mom. I'll try to hide the fact I'm sad with a smile, but it won't really work all the time. They know me. And I wouldn't want to talk about it much because it would get worser. What am I going to do?

I sat in the back next to the window, just thinking while all them started talking, until they ended my thoughts.

Chesca turned her head from the front seat looking at me.

Chesca: Whitley, whats you mostly the loudest one here, now you going to be so quiet when we going to mindless behaviors home. Wassup girl?!

Jazzy: Im saying! You so quiet! Whats wrong boo?!

Gabby: What's wrong with my girlie! 

Gabby squeezed into me and hugged me tight.

I holded a tear from coming down my cheek. I loved them so much.

My voice cracked.

Whitley: It's my .. parents. Things are really.. I sniffled. bad.

The car screeched down on the brakes. 

Everyone huddled to the back, looking at me like I was some lost puppy.

Chesca: What happened?

It was too late. Tears were already forming through my eyes. They rolled down my cheek.

Whitley: I saw my mom crying, and she was hiding it like nothing ever happened. When she went to her room, I saw bruises on her skin, and she was limping. The only thought that came to my mind was my dad. He done this before. Things got really ugly. Now he's out of jail because my mom supposebly loved him so much that she bailed him a while ago, and now its all starting again. 

They gasped.

Chesca:We're so sorry Whitley. You can always talk to us, we're here for you.

Gabby: Yeah, Chesca's right. We love you so much bay.

Everyone dived in for a group hug, crying with me. That's when Chesca got off quickly after the 10 minutes we been together in a hug.

Chesca: The fuck we doing?! We need to drive to meet the boys. Am i right?? 

Everyone but Chesca: Yeah! 

I smiled , feeling a whole lot better having many shoulders to cry with. Now it's now time to meet the guys (:

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