Chapter 33: The Operation

Start from the beginning

"Ok. Hey what about school? I mean it starts back on Monday (it is Friday the now) and the doctors say that I won't be allowed out if the hospital for a while" I question

"Yeah I spoke to your head teacher about that. When you start to feel better all of your teachers will send some work over for you am you can do it here" Louis explains

I groan. That is just like getting homework!

And for a moment, for the first time in weeks, I have completely forgotten about what is going to happen within the next hour.

Until my nurse Kaitlynd walks in.

"All ready Charlotte?" She asks in here Canadian accent.

Instantly I start to panic again.

I look up at the clock and it says that it is already 10.30.

See what I mean! The clocks are really against me today.

"No I can't! Harry isn't here yet!" I shout panicked

"Shhh calm down Charlotte. Everything will be fine. And I'm sure he will be here when you get out" Louis hushes me

"But he promised he will be here" I whisper

They all look at me sadly.

I sigh look back at Kaitlynd, "I'm ready"

"Ok. Ill be outside so that you can have a final talk with your friends before you go in. Just shout on my when you are done" she smiles sweetly and walks out if the room closing the door behind her.

"Guys I'm scared" I say as soon as the door closes

"I know, we are to" Zayn says giving me a hug, "good luck Charlie"

I move onto Perrie, then Niall, then Liam, Danielle, and then Eleanor.

They all say the same thing, "Goodluck" and "stay strong"

I lastly go to Louis to see that his eyes are watering and that breaks my heart.

"Lou" I whisper and give him a big hug.

"Stay strong little red (a nickname that him and the other boys have started calling me) and good luck. Ill see you when you get out" he whispers into my hair.

I let go of him and look at the door hoping that Harry will burst in any second.

But he isn't coming and I have now excepted that.

I call Kaitlynd back in and we leads me out of the room.

I take one last look at the others, wave and then continue after Kaitlynd and the others towards the surgery rooms.

Well... here goes nothing



Seeing Charlie scared about the surgery was upsetting but seeing her cry over the fact that Harry wasnt here was heartbreaking

How could that bastard do that to her?

He broke a pinkie promise, and those things are powerful, and disappointed all of us.

The worst part was watching Charlie walk down that corridor by herself without her brother.

When she followed the other nurses behind a set of doors we all sighed

None of us really knew what to do now to pass the time.

But as Niall was about to say something someone burst through the ward doors and was running straight towards us.

And that person was Harry.

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