Part 1: Don't Think About The Odds

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"Is there even days anymore? We came all this way only to see everyone we love die.. Jorge and I are the only ones left. We only have each other, our guns, and very little food and water. We have been running since we heard the last gunshot a few hours ago. We have made periodic rests, but its still not enough to escape these evil beings. Jorge is fine, but I have an injury on my side...I think I got grazed by a bullet or cut my side on something because I know it wasn't an infector. The only medical supplies we have is the large bandage on my side and half a tube of anti-bacterial cream. The battery is running low on the camera I have to go, Lilith out." She immediately turned off the camera.

"This hurts like a bitch," Lilith exclaimed to Jorge.

"Don't think about it."

"How could I not?" She scoffed "What are we going to do from here? We have to make up a plan Jorge. It's only us now."

"I know that...I just need time to think."

"I can hardly walk now," she grunted in pain and sat down to take a breath.

"To be honest I never thought that I would experience the destruction of the entire nation maybe the world," He gazed at the skyscrapers in Miami still rising with smoke with one completely collapsing and the afternoon sun illuminating on the clearly visible debris that was falling around the skyscraper "It makes you think of everyone and how they were affected. As well as how survivors meet and die. How many people died before us? It's too hard to count..."

"Let's stop reminiscing and focus on each other and how we are going to survive."

"You're right Lily, and I have a plan."

Her eye glistened with hope as she had her undivided attention. "We go into Miami and attempt to contact the military from a radio station. They have massive communication devices and transmission signals that can reach across all over Florida."

"And with us two it will be easier to move. No splitting up, we have to have each others backs, and if we come across anyone we move on or kill them if they try anything."

"It's what we gotta do now. Too many people would be more risky and think of our food situation. "

Jorge sat down a second before they began their journey across the dreaded wasteland he then spoke "A man with a gun would only surrender to a man with a sword if he were so close to them with the blade at his neck or shoulder. The man with the sword asks "Why didn't you shoot me?" The man with the gun responds "Because it's not fair." and the man with the sword responds "When you have the advantage of an man who was once equal to you then you have the right to strike them down." The man with the sword took the other man's life.  It's the biggest survival technique that my father taught to me and now is a good time to use it."

"So that's why we didn't fight Marshall when we first encountered him."

"It continues with if the other man has one your strengths then you must fight back in order to gain that strength back, but risk losing everything even your life. Well I saved my strength that I lost, but lost so much more."

"We are strong together Jorge. We should get to walking if we want to find decent shelter that isn't ruins before it gets dark."

Jorge just simply nodded and just said "What do you think about our odds of survival?"

"Don't think about the odds. It only makes it lower, now let's get moving."

They began walking through the treacherous landscape not knowing what to expect anything could lead to their inevitable deaths.

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