I asked Carlisle to leave the room for a while and go hunting as I cleaned her up now that all her bones were properly aligned. He didn't seem to want to leave but after I reassured him that it would be at least a day yet before she would awaken as I watched her aura change he finally relented. He would likely go see Edward like I had yesterday filling him in and hunting together. I left the room quickly and returned with a bowl of warm water and a cloth. I still left her some decency and did not remove her clothing instead cleaning her arms and lower legs of the dried blood, and also doing the same to her hair.

It was the fourth day now and I watched her aura closely seeing almost all the yellow gone now. I kept having to reassure Carlisle that this was normal because of the copious amount of injuries Esme had that it would take longer. Usually he would be the one reassuring me of this but something about seeing this woman in pain caused the calm and collected version of Carlisle I had come to know and love to wash away. I didn't blame him though he obviously felt for this woman and I was happy that she would be joining us. I knew if she decided to leave Carlisle would be heartbroken but would never make her stay. I hoped she would stay though, Carlisle dissevered to have happiness. I knew that Edward and I gave him great joy and made him feel less lonely but it wasn't the same as how this woman could make him feel.

I kept lightly fingering the necklace Carlisle had given me a few years ago. It was a silver chain and the pendant was about the size of a quarter and had the Cullen family crest on it. It had a lion that represented strength and ferocity, characteristics of vampires. Above it was a hand that signified faith and sincerity showing that we were loyal to each other. Below the lion were three trefoils which meant lasting forever showing the immortal ability of a vampire. Carlisle had presented Edward and me both with the crest, which was also a carving out of wood in his study. I had this necklace and it was small but still caught the attention of others, I wasn't interested in a large and flashy piece opting for a more subtle look. Edward had a leather wrist band that he wore on his right arm. Carlisle had a ring which he always wore on his left hand. As I fingered it more I realized I had developed a nervous habit. I let my hand drop down when Esme's heart beat sped up until finally it stopped and she was off my bed and in the corner of the room hissing at us.

"Dr. Cullen?" Esme asked looking at Carlisle confused and tilting her head with recognition.

"Hello Esme," He replied smiling slightly. "Call me Carlisle."

"What happened?" She asked looking momentarily surprised at her sweet new voice before she got a faraway look in her eyes.

"You jumped off a cliff," Carlisle replied solemnly.

A gasp escaped her mouth and she looked heartbroken by something. "I lost my baby. He was only two days old and then he died. I had nothing left to live for," She explained standing up from her crouch slowly.

Now that she was standing tall she looked even more beautiful than she did while laid out on my bed. It seemed the reason she wasn't as angular as most vampires was due to the fact that she had been pregnant only a few days ago. Like I had thought before though, the look suited her.

"I am sorry for your loss," Carlisle comforted her but still made no move to embrace her as would be the correct gesture but she was a newborn now.

She lifted her head and nodded sadly at him before she looked around the room taking in her new senses. "Everything is so different...Why is it different? And my voice..." She trailed off not having words to describe it.

"Esme...You were brought to the morgue but you weren't dead yet. Your injuries were so damaging they didn't even try and revive you. When I saw you there I couldn't let you die... There is no easy way to explain this.. I bit you and turned you into what I and my family are... we're vampires." Carlisle answered her question.

Twist of Intuition (Twilight: Emmett Cullen/OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن