He's Dead {PruCan}

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   "Gilbert, mon ami... Don't you think it's been long enough that you should be over this?"
   The Prussian blinked, not comprehending his friend's statement.
   "What do you mean?"
   "Have you been taking your medication, amigo?"
   "Well, no, but... I don't need it! I'm fine, and he is here!"
   Gilbert turned to the blonde boy beside him, who he had just brought to hang out with his best friends.. He reached out and touched the man's face, smiling when he felt physical flesh.
   "Stop messing with me, you guys. Matthew is here, I'm not crazy."
   The Frenchman and the Spaniard exchanged a glance.
   "Mi amigo, I really think you should take your pills..."
   "Oui, come on, Gilbert-"
   "Nien! Mein Birdie is here! Stop pretending not to see him!"
   "Gilbert..." The blonde, Matthew, finally spoke up, only to be ignored by the fuming Prussian.
   "He didn't die! That was fake! That was a lie! The hospital- they're out to get me!" Gilbert gasped. "And so are you two. Y-you're in on it! That's why you're lying! Get away from me!"
   Matthew shook Gilbert's arm. "Gil! Calm down, it's okay. People have been pretending not to see me since that happened, remember?"
   "It didn't happen!" The blonde Canadian shrunk back when the albino snapped at him.
   "I-I know, but you need to calm down. C'mon, let's go home and I'll make you some pancakes."
   Antonio and Francis, the friends who Gilbert was yelling at, watched the exchange with exhaustion and confusion.
   "Gilbert, mon ami... I know it's hard to lose someone you love, believe me, but you can't keep pretending he's here. And it's not your fault, either. You couldn't have seen that truck coming, it was too rainy. You have to let go, mon cher."
   "Shut-up-shut-up-SHUT UP! That didn't really happen! You're all lying! He is right here, standing next to me!" When Gilbert turned back to his friends, he was greeted by a punch in the face hard enough to knock him unconscious.
   "This has been going on long enough, Antonio. We can't let him continue like this. Come on, we're taking him home and forcing him to take the pills when he wakes up."
   "He's dead."
   Gilbert rocked back and forth, chanting this to himself repetitively. He had woken up at his house strapped to a chair and had pills forced down his throat, and the second they started affecting him he'd sat down in a corner and started crying.
   "He's dead. He's dead. He's dead."
   The chants began to change.
   "Because of me. It's my fault. All my fault. I should've been the one to die. I caused the accident. It's my fault."
   Soon, he stood.
   "I can see him again. I can join him. He won't be alone. I won't be alone."
   He walked out of his house and started towards his car, ignoring the questions from his French and Spanish friends.
   "We'll be together. Where we belong. I won't suffer anymore."
   Before he knew it, he was at the old bridge, where it had all happened. He stopped in the exact spot of the accident, staring at red stains and scratches on the ground through his windshield.
   He ignored his friends when they got out of Francis's car, when they ran up and started pounding on his window.
   No. He simply turned his car to face the shimmering blue ocean beside and below the bridge, and hit the gas.
I'm not sorry.

Hetalia One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें